本文介绍了拆分关键字用于发布php mysql的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



i have one table store post id and it's tags like :

Post_id |  Tags
1       |  keyword1,keyword2,keyword3


I want to loop though each row at this table and do :

  • 将关键字1,关键字2,关键字3放入新表中:

  • put the keyword1,keyword2,keyword3 in new table :

word_id    |  word_value
   1       |  keyword1
   2       |  keyword2
   3       |  keyword3

  • 获取mysql_insert_id()foreach(如果存在word_value,则存在word_id),然后将其放入新表中,如:

  • get mysql_insert_id() foreach (or exist word_id if word_value already there) and then put in the new table like :

    post_id |  word_id
    1       |   1
    1       |   2
    1       |   3

  • 我已经使用php和mysql来完成该任务,但这很慢.有人有个好主意吗?

    I've using php and mysql for do that task but this is slowly. Anyone have good idea?



    -- TABLES
    drop table if exists post_tags;
    create table post_tags
    post_id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    tags_csv varchar(1024) not null
    drop table if exists keywords;
    create table keywords
    keyword_id mediumint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    name varchar(255) unique not null
    -- optimised for queries such as - select all posts that have keyword 3
    drop table if exists post_keywords;
    create table post_keywords
    keyword_id mediumint unsigned not null,
    post_id int unsigned not null,
    primary key (keyword_id, post_id), -- clustered composite PK !
    key (post_id)
    drop procedure if exists normalise_post_tags;
    delimiter #
    create procedure normalise_post_tags()
    declare v_cursor_done tinyint unsigned default 0;
    -- watch out for variable names that have the same names as fields !!
    declare v_post_id int unsigned;
    declare v_tags_csv varchar(1024);
    declare v_keyword varchar(255);
    declare v_keyword_id mediumint unsigned;
    declare v_tags_done tinyint unsigned;
    declare v_tags_idx int unsigned;
    declare v_cursor cursor for select post_id, tags_csv from post_tags order by post_id;
    declare continue handler for not found set v_cursor_done = 1;
    set autocommit = 0;
    open v_cursor;
      fetch v_cursor into v_post_id, v_tags_csv;
      -- split the out the v_tags_csv and insert
      set v_tags_done = 0;
      set v_tags_idx = 1;
      while not v_tags_done do
        set v_keyword = substring(v_tags_csv, v_tags_idx,
          if(locate(',', v_tags_csv, v_tags_idx) > 0,
            locate(',', v_tags_csv, v_tags_idx) - v_tags_idx,
          if length(v_keyword) > 0 then
            set v_tags_idx = v_tags_idx + length(v_keyword) + 1;
            set v_keyword = trim(v_keyword);
            -- add the keyword if it doesnt already exist
            insert ignore into keywords (name) values (v_keyword);
            select keyword_id into v_keyword_id from keywords where name = v_keyword;
            -- add the post_keywords
            insert ignore into post_keywords (keyword_id, post_id) values (v_keyword_id, v_post_id);
            set v_tags_done = 1;
          end if;
      end while;
    until v_cursor_done end repeat;
    close v_cursor;
    end proc_main #
    delimiter ;
    -- TEST DATA
    insert into post_tags (tags_csv) values
    -- TESTING
    call normalise_post_tags();
    select * from post_tags order by post_id;
    select * from keywords order by keyword_id;
    select * from post_keywords order by keyword_id, post_id;

    这篇关于拆分关键字用于发布php mysql的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    08-19 14:36