


What is "options" in Backbone.js that I see all over the official source code and also used in a tutorial blog by Thomas Davis with sample code here:

Friends = Backbone.Collection.extend({
     initialize: function (models, options) {
                   this.bind("add", options.view.addFriendLi);

我不使用它看到任何其他的教程,甚至文档提到它。确实如此,但在上下文样的格式([选项]),而不是在硬codeD选项: options.view.addFriendLi



options, conventionally, is a javascript object of key/value pairs that provide data/context/arguments/configuration to a method call. Think of it like named arguments, as opposed to ordered arguments.


var makePerson = function(name, options) {
  var person = {};
  person.name = name;
  person.age  = options.age;
  return person;

var me = makePerson('Alex', {age:30}); // In 3 days... scary :(


How the function being called uses this object, is up to that function.


The documentation for backbone for Collection.initialize() does not seem to list what keys on the options object are used or expected, which is unfortunate. So without looking at the source, there is no way to tell. But your example does seem to indicate a view key is expected. So you might call it like this:

var friendsCollection = new Friends(userModels, {view: someBackboneView});


This is simply a convention many libraries tend to use, and there is nothing special about it. But usually many keys in an object that is passed to a function call is better than a funciton that you call with many arguments, because each value has a label which makes it clear what each value is for.


Looking a bit further, now here: http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/docs/backbone.html#section-53

看起来 Col​​lection.initialize()只有在它选择接受单个键:比较。在这里,您可以定义用于集合中的模型进行排序的函数:

It looks like Collection.initialize() only accepts a single key in it's options: comparator. Here you can define a function used to sort the models in the collection:http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Collection-comparator


Working that into your example, you would call that like this:

var friendsCollection = new Friends(userModels, {
  view: someBackboneView,
  comparator: function(friend) {
    return friend.get('age');


08-19 13:11