


I've heard about browser storage and cookies but can't figure what is the best secure way to store a token. Also don't know if other methods exists, or if any third-part libraries does the work correctly.


I'd like to have an exhaustive list of available methods to do so, with advantages/inconvenients of each and the best way above all, if any.




Where to Store Your JWTs

With token-based authentication, you are given the choice of where to store the JWT. We strongly recommend that you store your tokens in local storage/session storage or a cookie.


Commonly, the JWT is placed in the browsers local storage and this works well for most use cases.

使用用户名和密码登录用户时,响应正文包含access_token JWT.然后,您需要在客户端代码中处理此响应.然后可以将该令牌存储在localStorage或sessionStorage中.

When logging in a user with a username and password, the response body contains the access_token JWT. Then you need to handle this response in the client side code. This token can then be stored in localStorage or sessionStorage.



Both localStorage and sessionStorage both extend Storage. The only difference between them is the persistance of the data:


localStorage - data persists until explicitly deleted. Changes made are saved and available for all current and future visits to the site.


sessionStorage - Changes made are saved and available for the current page, as well as future visits to the site on the same window. Once the window is closed, the storage is deleted.

  • 与cookie不同,本地存储被沙箱化到特定域,并且其数据不能被任何其他域(包括子域)访问.
  • 可通过同一域上的JavaScript访问Web存储,因此,您网站上运行的所有JavaScript都可以访问Web存储,因此,它很容易受到跨站点脚本(XSS)攻击.
  • 开发人员必须确保JWT始终通过HTTPS发送,绝不通过HTTP发送.


You can also use cookies to store the JWT. The exact way to set a cookie depends on the client side language you are using.


There are different options to control the lifetime of a cookie:

  • 关闭浏览器后,可以销毁Cookie(会话cookie).
  • 实施服务器端检查(通常由使用中的Web框架为您完成),您可以实现过期或滑动窗口过期.
  • Cookie可以永久存在(在关闭浏览器后不会销毁).
  • 可以通过JavaScript和服务器端代码读取Cookie,或者如果设置了httpOnly标志,则只能通过服务器端读取.
  • Cookies can be destroyed after the browser is closed (session cookies).
  • Implement a server side check (typically done for you by the web framework in use), and you could implement expiration or sliding window expiration.
  • Cookies can be persistent (not destroyed after the browser is closed) with an expiration.
  • Cookies can be read by both the JavaScript and the server side code or only server side if the httpOnly flag is set.
  • Cookie的最大大小仅为4kb,因此如果您对令牌附加了许多声明,可能会出现问题.
  • Cookie可能是易受攻击的跨站点请求伪造(CSRF或XSRF)攻击.当恶意网站导致用户的网络浏览器在当前已对用户进行身份验证的受信任站点上执行有害操作时,就会发生这种类型的攻击.这是对浏览器如何处理Cookie的一种利用.使用网络应用程序框架的CSRF保护,可以使Cookie成为存储JWT的安全选项.通过检查HTTP RefererOrigin标头也可以部分阻止CSRF.
  • 如果应用程序需要跨域访问,可能很难实现. Cookie具有其他属性(域/路径),可以对其进行修改以允许您指定允许将cookie发送到的位置.
  • The max size of a cookie is only 4kb so that may be problematic if you have many claims attached to the token.
  • Cookies can be vulnerable cross-site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF) attacks. This type of attack occurs when a malicious web site causes a user’s web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site where the user is currently authenticated. This is an exploit of how the browser handles cookies. Using a web app framework’s CSRF protection makes cookies a secure option for storing a JWT. CSRF can also be partially prevented by checking the HTTP Referer and Origin header.
  • Can be difficult to implement if the application requires cross-domain access. Cookies have additional properties (Domain/Path) that can be modified to allow you to specify where the cookie is allowed to be sent.

原创文章: https://auth0.com/docs/security/store-tokens#how-to-implement


08-19 00:42