


I've got a scenario where I have multiple droppable containers, that are also sortable. I need to be able to drag clones from my source draggable, and drop them on any of the droppables. Within each droppable, the items need to be sortable. I also need to be able to drag a draggable from one droppable to another.

这里是一个JSFiddle 我无法正常工作的概念.

Here is a JSFiddle I've started as a proof of concept that I can't quite get working.


  1. 如果将两个项目拖到第一个(最左侧)droppable容器中,然后将底部的一个拖到顶部(以重新排序),则会注意到动画来自源draggable放在最上面.我认为这与克隆有关,但是我找不到罪魁祸首.

  1. If you drag two items onto the first (left-most) droppable container, and then drag the bottom one up to the top (to re-sort them), you'll notice an animation coming from the source draggable up top. I assume this has something to do with the clone but I wasn't able to find the culprit.


With the two items on the first (left-most) droppable container, if you try and drag one of the items over to the middle droppable, you see it revert again animate back from the source draggable up top.


I hope I'm not making it overly complex but in the drop function I'm using the dropped class to tell me whether the item has been dropped or not before, and if it doesn't have the class I know it's the first time dropping , hence creating the clone and appending it to the droppable.


Otherwise, if the draggable has been dropped (i.e. has the class dropped), and changed droppables, I won't re-clone it but append it to the new droppable.

if(ui.draggable.hasClass("dropped") && DifferentSource()){
   // this item was already dropped, just changed sources:
} else if(ui.draggable.hasClass("dropped") == false) {
   var clone = ui.draggable.clone();
   count += 1;
   clone.html("item " + count);


Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?



The missing key was sortable's connectWith property. This allowed me to connect the different droppables so that sortable doesn't revert back when changing droppables.

这是 工作小提琴 .希望这可以节省将来的时间!

Here is the working fiddle. Hopefully this saves someone time in the future!


08-15 21:06