我有一个 Spring 2.5.6/Flex 应用程序设置并运行 Spring Security 2.0.4.最近一个负载均衡器(A Foundry ServerIron 4g http://www.foundrynet.com/products/a...ems/si-4g.html) 已经到位,现在我遇到了跨域错误.基本上,负载平衡器向 myloadbalancer.abc.com 发出请求,而 myrealserver1.abc.com 作为域名返回.Spring Security 以某种方式将请求转发到真实服务器.我该如何解决这个问题?
I have a Spring 2.5.6/Flex application setup and running with Spring Security 2.0.4. Recently a load balancer (A Foundry ServerIron 4g http://www.foundrynet.com/products/a...ems/si-4g.html) was put into place and now I am getting cross domain errors. Basically the load balancer is firing off a request to myloadbalancer.abc.com and myrealserver1.abc.com is being returned as the domain name. Spring security is forwarding the request to the real server somehow. How can I get around this?
ConcurrentSessionFilter 也不再工作.应用程序设置为禁用并发登录,但在应用程序置于负载平衡器之后后,此功能停止.我相信也有多个 Oracle 应用服务器集群在一起.我以前从未处理过集群或负载平衡器,我不知道软件在某些方面必须以不同的方式编写.
Also the ConcurrentSessionFilter is no longer working. The application is set up to disable concurrent logons, but this functionality stopped after the application was put behind the load balancer. I believe there are multiple Oracle Application Servers being clustered together as well. I have never dealt with clustering or load balancers before and I wasn't aware that the software had to be written differently in certain areas.
These sound like separate issues to me, but I need help for both.
如果 ConcurrentSessionFilter 停止工作(即不再阻止并发会话),这可能是由于具有粘性会话的集群应用程序容器所致.
If the ConcurrentSessionFilter stopped working (i.e. does not prevent concurrent sessions anymore), that could be due to clustered application containers with sticky sessions.
In such a setup, each of the cluster's nodes works independently and doesn't share state with other nodes. Instead, the load balancer makes sure that existing sessions will always be served by the same node.
现在 Spring Security 的 ConcurrentSessionController
通过将会话映射到主体来工作.控制器本身依赖于 HttpSessionEventPublisher
在用户会话开始和终止时发送 ApplicationEvents
Now Spring Security's ConcurrentSessionController
works by mapping sessions to principals. The controller itself relies on the HttpSessionEventPublisher
sending ApplicationEvents
on start and termination of user sessions.
通知并发会话机制会话的创建和身份验证将失败,因为已经有一个与此用户关联的会话.然而,在另一个节点上,该用户还没有会话,因此 ConcurrentSessionController
Everything is will work fine if someone intending to open more than one session ends up on the same node he already has a session opened. HttpSessionEventPublisher
informs the concurrent session mechanism of the session's creation and authentication will fail because there is already a session associated with this user. On a different node however, there is no session for that user yet, so ConcurrentSessionController
does not complain and login succeeds.
幸运的是,解决问题应该很容易:实现您自己的 SessionRegistry
Fortunately, solving the problem should be easy: Implement your own SessionRegistry
and use a shared data store for all nodes (e.g. the application's database).
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