

当绑定的DataGridView 控件绑定源,我得到我的应用程序出现以下错误:

When binding a DataGridView control to a binding source, I'm getting the following error in my application:


的绑定源依赖于数据表中。而我在过滤了DataGridView中的记录。我使用了 dataGridView1_CellValueChanged()事件在那里我过滤的DataGridView。但是,当我从当前单元格删除的数据,出现此错误。

The binding source depends on the data table. And I'm filtering the records from the DataGridView. And I used the dataGridView1_CellValueChanged() event where I'm filtering the DataGridView. But when I was deleting the data from the current cell, this error occurs.


How can I resolve this problem?


唯一的例外是为了发生提出的的DataGridView 来prevent一个无限循环。这样做的原因通常是以下之一:

The exception is raised by the DataGridView in order to prevent an infinite loop from occurring. The cause of this is usually one of the following:

  • 更改活性细胞当正在对当前活动的细胞进行的操作
  • 开始,结束或取消编辑模式,而一个单元格编辑已经在建
  • 在任何其他操作,结果在活动单元格正在而的DataGridView 仍然使用它修改
  • Changing the active cell while an operation is being performed on the currently-active cell
  • Beginning, ending or cancelling edit mode while a cell edit is already in-progress
  • Any other operation that results in the active cell being changed while the DataGridView is still using it

有一个在你的处理程序 CellValueChanged 事件,并确保你没有做任何的上述处理程序中。

Have a look at your handler for the CellValueChanged event and make sure you are not doing any of the above within the handler.


08-05 22:30