本文介绍了解析来自C#的PostgreSQL参数化查询中的错误,但可用于pgAdmin III的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to execute a parametrised query from C# and I get the error:


但是当我在pgAdmin III中运行查询时,将参数替换为它们的值,查询就可以了.代码是

But when I run the query in pgAdmin III replacing the parameters with their values the query works. The code is

command.CommandText = "SELECT area_code FROM area WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(ST_GeographyFromText('POLYGON((:minx :miny, :minx :maxy, :maxx :maxy, :maxx :miny, :minx :miny))'), shape) AND area_type_code = :typecode";
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
var typeCodeParameter = new NpgsqlParameter
    DbType = DbType.String,
    ParameterName = "typecode",
    Value = _typeCode
var minxParameter = new NpgsqlParameter
    DbType = DbType.Double,
    ParameterName = "minx",
    Value = _minX
var minyParameter = new NpgsqlParameter
    DbType = DbType.Double,
    ParameterName = "miny",
    Value = _minY
var maxxParameter = new NpgsqlParameter
    DbType = DbType.Double,
    ParameterName = "maxx",
    Value = _maxX
var maxyParameter = new NpgsqlParameter
    DbType = DbType.Double,
    ParameterName = "maxy",
    Value = _maxY
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
    while (reader.Read())


SELECT area_code FROM area WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(ST_GeographyFromText('POLYGON((-1.0042576967558934 50.78431084582985, -1.0042576967558934 51.199216033050647, 1.9400782407441057 51.199216033050647, 1.9400782407441057 50.78431084582985, -1.0042576967558934 50.78431084582985))'), shape) AND area_type_code = 'County'


What am I doing wrong? How should I be setting the minx, miny, maxx, maxy parameters?



The problem is that you're separating the coordinates. The parameters aren't just slapped together inside the SQL (it's not just a template replace), it need to be a syntactically valid place to put a parameter. A good sanity check is to try the same query but instead of replacing the parameters with values directly, use procedural SQL and variables.

您将看到问题在于ST_GeographyFromText函数不会在输入中得到的字符串内扩展参数-这是预期的行为.如果要使用此功能,则不能在字符串内部使用参数-您仍然只需要将所有值向上传递并将它们作为字符串传递-与删除参数"时所做的相同.最简单的解决方案可能是将整个字符串作为参数传递,或者只是将参数添加到查询中的字符串(例如ST_GeographyFromText('POLYGON((' || cast(:minx ...) || '), ' || ... || ')')等)

You will see that the problem is that the ST_GeographyFromText function doesn't expand parameters inside of the string it gets on input - this is an expected behaviour. If you want to use this function, you can't use parameters inside of the string - you still need to just all the values up and pass them as a string - the same thing you've done when you "removed the parameters". The simplest solution would probably be to pass the whole string as a parameter, or just add the parameters to a string in the query (e.g. ST_GeographyFromText('POLYGON((' || cast(:minx ...) || '), ' || ... || ')') etc.)

似乎您正在使用参数化查询转换旧的连接一串字符串" SQL.坚持不懈,但是您需要考虑语法.就像您不能仅将子查询放入参数中一样,您也不能仅将单个值分成两个这样的参数.

It seems like you're converting old "concatenate a bunch of strings" SQL with parametrized queries. Do persevere, but you need to take the syntax into account. Just like you can't just put a subquery in a parameter, you can't just separate a single value into two parameters like this.


So you need to either use a better type, or have some helper conversion (like a function that takes two floats, and returns the type you need).

这篇关于解析来自C#的PostgreSQL参数化查询中的错误,但可用于pgAdmin III的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 12:17