

我昨天开始将iAd实施到一个新的应用程序中。但从那以后从问题标题中获取错误。 任何人都知道如何修复它?

I started to implement iAd into a new App yesterday. But getting the error from the question title since then. Anyone know how I can fix it?

我读过可能是苹果故障。但由于该线程已经相当陈旧,而且我目前在Apple Dev论坛上找不到关于它的任何讨论,我不相信这是苹果方面的一般问题。另外,问题不在于他们目前没有足够的广告展示,因为这只会影响实时广告。

I've read here that it might be Apples fault. But since that thread is pretty old and I couldn't find any discussion on the Apple Dev forums about it for the current time, I don't believe this is a general issue on Apples side in this case. Also the problem can't be that they don't currently have enough ads to show because that only matters in live ads.


确实在应用的iTunes Connect中启用iAd Networking。

I did enable iAd Networking in iTunes Connect for the app.

该应用程序甚至出现在iTunes Connect的iAd货币化摘要中。其广告状态设置为测试广告(带有黄色标记),但'请求'计数为0.

The app even appears in my iAd monetizing summary in iTunes Connect. Its 'Ad status' is set to 'Test ads' (with a yellow sign) but the 'Requests' count is 0.



Maybe you can change your fill rate in Settings.app. Set it to 100% if you want it to show up all the time.


08-04 09:51