因此,我让学生在地图上显示,每个人都有您必须在更新标记前删除标记。创建 ArrayList 以保存标记引用。
ArrayList< Marker> studentMarkersList = new ArrayList();
public void onChildChanged(DataSnapshot snapshot,String s){
LatLng latLng = new LatLng(snapshot.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getLat (),
布尔show = snapshot.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).isShow();
studentMarker = googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
.title(item.getValue (TestUserStudent.class).getName()+)
private void removeStudentMarkers()
for(int i = 0; i< studentMakersList.size(); i ++)
$ / code $ / pre
private void updateShowing(final boolean isShow){
.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener(){
@Override $ b $ public void onDataChange DataSnapshot snapshot){
for(DataSnapshot ds:snapshot.getChildren()){
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError error){
+ error .getMessage());
So I have students showing in the map and each one has show boolean value. I'm using this value to determine if the marker should show or not on the map using setVisible() method.!
I have a switch button that shows and hide the marker by updating the show value in the real-time database, and it doesn't always work.
The problem is, when the value is set to false => the markers don't hide!!, but when it becomes true they show up !? the only way for the markes to hide is if I close the map and then open it again which of course is not what anyone want.!
Any suggestion.!?
How I show the markers
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance(); DatabaseReference refStudents = database.getReference("Students"); refStudents.addChildEventListener(new ChildEventListener() { @Override public void onChildAdded(DataSnapshot snapshot, String s) { } @Override public void onChildChanged(DataSnapshot snapshot, String s) { LatLng latLng = new LatLng(snapshot.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getLat(), snapshot.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getLang()); boolean show = snapshot.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).isShow(); studentMarker = googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(latLng) .title(item.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getName() + "") .snippet(item.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getSection() + "") .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap( getMarkerBitmapFromView(item.getValue(TestUserStudent.class) .getImg(), R.drawable.redMarker)))); if (show) { studentMarker.setVisible(true); }else { studentMarker.setVisible(false); } } @Override public void onChildRemoved(DataSnapshot snapshot) { } @Override public void onChildMoved(DataSnapshot snapshot, String s) { } @Override public void onCancelled(DatabaseError error) { } });How I update the markers
private void updateShowing(final boolean isShow) { FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Students") .addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) { for (DataSnapshot ds : snapshot.getChildren()) { ds.child("show").getRef().setValue(isShow); } } @Override public void onCancelled(DatabaseError error) { Log.i( "onCancelled: ", error.getDetails() +"\n "+ error.getMessage()); } }); }TestUserStudent.class
public class TestUserStudent { boolean show; //other attributes public boolean isShow() { return show; } public void setShow(boolean show) { this.show = show; } //other setters & getters }Firebase rtd
解决方案you have to remove markers before updating markers.Create a ArrayList to save Markers references.
ArrayList<Marker> studentMarkersList=new ArrayList();Then use list like this:
@Override public void onChildChanged(DataSnapshot snapshot, String s) { LatLng latLng = new LatLng(snapshot.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getLat(), snapshot.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getLang()); boolean show = snapshot.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).isShow(); if(show) { studentMarker = googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(latLng) .title(item.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getName() + "") .snippet(item.getValue(TestUserStudent.class).getSection() + "") .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap( getMarkerBitmapFromView(item.getValue(TestUserStudent.class) .getImg(), R.drawable.redMarker)))); studentMarkersList.add(studentMarker); } }Then define a method to remove markers:
private void removeStudentMarkers() { for(int i=0;i<studentMakersList.size();i++) { studentMarkersList.get(i).remove(); } }At last do this:
private void updateShowing(final boolean isShow) { removeStudentMarkers(); FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Students") .addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) { for (DataSnapshot ds : snapshot.getChildren()) { ds.child("show").getRef().setValue(isShow); } } @Override public void onCancelled(DatabaseError error) { Log.i( "onCancelled: ", error.getDetails() +"\n "+ error.getMessage()); } }); }