In Firefox, I use Firebug which allows me to view every http request my ajax calls are making. I've switched over my development to Chrome and am liking it so far. My only complaint, however, is that the developer tools don't seem to allow you to view each ajax request. I've had it happen once where the Resources panel showed multiple requests to the same resource, but it's only done it once and never again.
Is there a way to reliably see every http request that a page is making through javascript from within Chrome?
Currently, to get around this, I'm running Fiddler next to Chrome to view my requests, but if there's a way to do it from within the browser, I'd prefer that.
I know this is an old thread but I thought I would chime in.
Chrome currently has a solution built in.
- 使用CTRL + SHIFT + I(或浏览到当前页面控制>开发>开发工具,在新版本的Chrome,点击扳手图标>工具>开发工具),使开发人员工具。
- 从开发工具中点击网络按钮。如果是没有准备好,使之为会话或始终。
- 点击XHR子键。
- 在启动一个AJAX调用。
- 您将看到项目开始下的资源,以显示在左边的列。
- 单击资源并有2个选项卡显示标题和返回的内容。