节点= 3,复制因子= 2,写一致性= 2,读一致性= 1
节点= 4,复制因子= 3,写一致性= 3,读一致性= 1
根据我的理解,节点= 4,请提供这两个节点故障,将RF设置为'3'是有益的,但是ppl表示在4节点设置中RF = 2与RF = 3相同,请解释一下原因?
- 节点数未计入读写失败的因素。 RF(复制因子)和CL(一致性级别)是读取/写入失败(如果必需的副本或节点已关闭)的决定因素。
RF->将保留多少个数据(行)副本。 (有多少服务器或节点将保留相同的行/数据)。
注意:如果RF = CL,则您使用的CL等于ALL。
ALL 是最高的一致性级别(可以肯定的是数据是最新的,但是如果单个副本出现故障则不可用)
节点= 3,复制因子= 2,写入一致性= 2,读取一致性= 1
节点= 3,复制因子= 3,写入一致性= 2,读取一致性= 1
由于节点数= RF,所有数据将被复制到所有节点(100%拥有)。
节点= 4,复制因子= 2,写入一致性= 2 ,读取一致性= 1
节点= 4,复制因子= 3,写入一致性= 3,读取一致性= 1
有关详细信息,请参见 。
假定您有3/4/5个节点,如果RF为3,CL为QUORUM(3/2 + 1〜2),则群集可以容忍1个副本节点下。请阅读上面链接中的关于QUORUM级别
I have a 4 node setup in Cassandra and decided to go with the following configuration, but ppl are saying this will be same as 3 node setup, So could somebody please give me a light and say why,
Nodes = 3, Replication Factor = 2, Write Consistency = 2, Read Consistency = 1
Nodes = 4, Replication Factor = 3, Write Consistency = 3, Read Consistency = 1
As per my understanding, Nodes = 4, provide the two node failure, It is beneficial to have RF as '3' but ppl are saying RF = 2 will be same as RF = 3 in a 4 node setup, Could you please explain why?
Your question is little bit unclear as I think you haven't properly constructed the question. But I will try to explain some points that would help you to understand it.
- Number of nodes is not counting factor for read/ write failures. RF (Replication Factor) and CL (Consistency Level) are the deciding factors for read/write failures (if required replicas or nodes are down).
RF -> How many copies of data (row) will be kept. (How many servers or nodes will keep the same row/data).
CL -> Acknowledgement of how many nodes is required to let client know/inform that write/read operation is successful. That means at least numbers of nodes mentioned as CL (Ex: If CL is 2 at least 2 nodes) have to acknowledge/ensure that they have written the data successfully or the data is read from those replicas (wait until all the required replicas return the result to the coordinator node) and merge the results (keep the latest data if different nodes have different updates of same data) and successfully return results to the client.
Note: If RF = CL, then you have used CL equivalent to ALL.
ALL is highest level of consistency level (Data will be up-to-date for sure but not be available if a single replica is down)
Scenario 1:
Nodes = 3, Replication Factor = 2, Write Consistency = 2, Read Consistency = 1
For Write operation:
As you have used highest level of write CL (RF and write CL value is same), then this will be a case of single point of failure. All required replicas have to be alive to acknowledge the client that data has been written successfully in both nodes.
For Read operation:
Read CL is ONE. So it can survive if one replica is down. Cause only one replica needs to return the result to the client. It may be old data (If update of data is not still propagated to this node, but eventually it will be consistent), but read will be successful.
Scenario 2:
Nodes = 3, Replication Factor = 3, Write Consistency = 2, Read Consistency = 1
For Write operation:
As number of nodes = RF, all data will be copied in all nodes (100% own). It will survive one node/replica down.
For Read operation:It can survive if two replicas are down.
Scenario 3:
Nodes = 4, Replication Factor = 2, Write Consistency = 2, Read Consistency = 1
For Write operation:
Same as scenario 1.
For Read operation:
Same as scenario 1.
Scenario 4:
Nodes = 4, Replication Factor = 3, Write Consistency = 3, Read Consistency = 1
For Write operation:
Same as scenario 1.
For Read operation:
Same as scenario 2.
Related Link:
Understand cassandra replication factor versus consistency level
For details follow DataStax Doc.
Number of nodes does not matter if you are concerned for node failure scenario (read or write requests fail).
Assume you have 3/4/5 nodes, if RF is 3 and CL is QUORUM (3/2 + 1 ~ 2), the cluster can tolerate 1 replica nodes down. Please read the About the QUORUM level
section from above link.
If you have more nodes, the cluster can handle more data or load and distribute the data properly among nodes. But the request fail over scenario will be the same.
As RF is 3 and Write and Read CL is 2 and 1 respectively, cluster can tolerate one replica down for write and two replicas down for a read operation. I hope this helps you.