我有一个汇总的BigDecimals列表.如果它们是要连接的字符串,我将使用StringBuilder减少对象的创建. BigDecimal有类似的东西吗?或者,也许我不应该为此而烦恼? BigDecimal创建的优化值得付出努力吗?
I've got a list of BigDecimals to sum. If they were Strings to concatenate, I would use StringBuilder to reduce object creation. Is there something similar for BigDecimal? Or maybe I shouldn't bother about it? Is optimization of BigDecimal creation worth putting effort to it?
BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
for (CashReportElement element : getReportElementSet()) {
if (element.getCurrencyCode().equals(currencyCode)) {
result = result.add(element.getSum());
return result;
在Java SE中没有这样的模拟.
The is no such analog in Java SE.
还有一个值得探讨的问题:如果该代码已被证明是性能瓶颈,则应该只研究 .
And on the question if its worth putting effort in it: You should look into this only if this code has been proven to be a performance bottleneck.