Good day, sorry for the seemingly broad question title.
我正在使用 php 和 sql 为用户数据构建一个 ExtJS4 应用程序.一切都很顺利,直到有一天,我在我的 Java 控制台中注意到了这个错误:
I am building an ExtJS4 application using php and sql for the user data. Everything was going fine until one day, I notice this error in my java console:
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience.
For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
Initially, I wasn't that troubled since my application was loading fairly well while testing it in my local network. However, once I uploaded to an online server and tested it, the application loaded really slowly and sometimes it wouldn't load at all.
我不记得在我的应用程序中的任何地方调用过 XMLHttpRequest,所以我对我突然收到此警告的方式或原因感到目瞪口呆.
I don't recall calling an XMLHttpRequest anywhere in my application, so I'm dumbfounded on how or why I'm getting this warning all of a sudden.
我连接到我的数据库并返回的唯一方法是通过 Stores.
The only way I connect to my database and back is via Stores.
另外,作为一个附带问题,有没有办法让 ExtJS4 应用程序加载得更快?我已经最小化了我使用的图像/图标的大小,我认为问题在于商店,但我的商店都没有设置为自动加载.
Also, as a side question, is there a way to make ExtJS4 applications load faster? I've minimized the size of the images/icons I use and I think the issue lies with the stores but none of my stores are set on autoload.
Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you.
我不久前遇到了这个错误.这是由 Ext.Loader 加载动态扩展类.
I had this error a while a ago. It is caused by Ext.Loader which loads the Ext classes dynamically.
我可以通过在我的应用程序(即 app.js)的主 js 文件中的 Ext.require([...]) 语句中添加所需的类来解决它.
I could solve it by adding the required classes in the Ext.require([...]) statement in the main js file of my application (i.e. app.js).
Ext.Loader 的文档 说明何时以及为何发生异步和同步加载.
The docs for Ext.Loader explain when and why asynchronous and synchronous loading happens.
这篇关于ExtJS 4.2 - “同步 XMLHttpRequest"的可能原因;警告?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!