This is really just a conceptual question for me at this point.
在Lisp中,程序是数据,数据是程序. REPL正是这样做的-先读取然后求值.
In Lisp, programs are data and data are programs. The REPL does exactly that - reads and then evaluates.
So how does one go about getting input from the user in a secure way? Obviously it's possible - I mean viaweb - now Yahoo!Stores is pretty secure, so how is it done?
The REPL stands for Read Eval Print Loop.
(loop (print (eval (read))))
Above is only conceptual, the real REPL code is much more complicated (with error handling, debugging, ...).
You can read all kinds of data in Lisp without evaluating it. Evaluation is a separate step - independent from reading data.
Lisp中有各种IO功能.提供的功能中最复杂的通常是READ,它读取s表达式. Common Lisp中有一个选项,允许在读取过程中进行评估,但是可以并且应该在读取数据时将其关闭.
There are all kinds of IO functions in Lisp. The most complex of the provided functions is usually READ, which reads s-expressions. There is an option in Common Lisp which allows evaluation during READ, but that can and should be turned off when reading data.
因此,Lisp中的数据不一定是程序,即使数据是程序,Lisp也可以将程序作为数据读取-无需评估. REPL仅应由开发人员使用,并且不应暴露给任意用户.为了从用户那里获取数据,需要使用常规的IO功能,包括READ之类的功能,该功能可以读取S表达式,但不对其进行评估.
So, data in Lisp is not necessarily a program and even if data is a program, then Lisp can read the program as data - without evaluation. A REPL should only be used by a developer and should not be exposed to arbitrary users. For getting data from users one uses the normal IO functions, including functions like READ, which can read S-expressions, but does not evaluate them.
Here are a few things one should NOT do:
use READ to read arbitrary data. READ for examples allows one to read really large data - there is no limit.
在READ期间求值("read eval").应该将其关闭.
evaluate during READ ('read eval'). This should be turned off.
read symbols from I/O and call their symbol functions
read cyclical data structures with READ, when your functions expect plain lists. Walking down a cyclical list can keep your program busy for a while.
not handle syntax errors during reading from data.