


In flask, how do I serve images that are not in the static folder?

我目前将用户上传的照片保存在烧瓶文件夹之外的目录中(在 openshift 上,图像当前保存在 app-root/data 下的数据文件夹中并且烧瓶文件在 app-root/repo/).

I currently save the user uploaded photos on a directory that is outside the flask folder (On openshift, image currently saving in the data folder under app-root/data and the flask files are in app-root/repo/).


In my templates, how do i serve the image files ?

使用url_for,我如何引用flask 文件夹之外的这些图像文件?

Using url_for, how do i reference these image files that are outside the flask folder?

- data/
  -- uploads/
- repo/
  -- app/
     -- __init__.py

如您所见,flask 应用程序文件夹外的数据文件夹.我如何从烧瓶应用程序目录生成存储在 data/uploads(上一级)中的文件的链接是问题?

As you can see the data folder outside the flask app folder. How do i generate links to files stored in data/uploads (one level up) from the flask app directory is the question ?


您拥有 send_from_directory 函数可以执行您想要的操作,我要做的是声明一个名为 MEDIA_FOLDER 的常量,其中包含媒体文件所在的路径和然后,您唯一需要做的就是像这样调用函数:

You have the send_from_directory function that does what you want, what I would do is declare a constant called MEDIA_FOLDER with the path where the media files are located and then, the only thing you need to do is to call the function like this:

from config import MEDIA_FOLDER

def download_file(filename):
    return send_from_directory(MEDIA_FOLDER, filename, as_attachment=True)


Then, to invoke it, you just do this:

{{ url_for('download_file', filename='dogs.jpg') }}


You can have more info about this here.


08-03 19:03