这是关于 MDI 设置的 .net WinForm 问题.
This is .net WinForm question about MDI setting.
当主窗体创建 MDI 子窗体时,主窗体的 PropertyStore
保存对 MDI 子窗体的引用.我想知道这是否会导致子窗体即使关闭也能存活.如果是这样,在处理子表单时我该怎么做才能删除此引用?
When the main form creates an MDI child form, the main form's PropertyStore
holds a reference to the MDI child form. I wonder whether this will cause the child form to be alive even if it is closed. If so, what shall I do when disposing the child form in order to remove this reference?
The child form is called by sample code:
//The code is in the main form.
var f = new FormMDIChild();
f.MdiParent = this;
作为记录,引用的帖子中提供的解决方案确实有效(尽管有点冒险).但是,如果您打开和关闭另一个子窗体,泄漏也会消失,看来 MDI 父级只会泄漏最后一个打开的子窗体.
For the record, the solution offered in the referenced post does work (though it's a little dicey). However, the leak also goes away if you open and close another child form, it appears that the MDI Parent only leaks the last opened child.
如果您想使用参考帖子中提到的解决方法来修复泄漏,只需覆盖 MDIParent 的 OnMdiChildActivate 方法...
If you want to fix the leak by using the work around mentioned in the referenced post, just override the MDIParent's OnMdiChildActivate method...
protected override void OnMdiChildActivate(EventArgs e)
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetProperty |
BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, this, new object[] { null });
这篇关于关于 PropertyStore 和 MDI 子窗体的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!