


I just converted from log4j to log4j2, using an xml config file. Everything is working except that I can't seem to set the path of my log files using a properties file.

这是Spring MVC应用程序,我在src/main/resources文件夹中有一个filedirs.properties文件,以及log4j2.xml,i18n消息和其他属性文件.它有一个简单的条目:logs=G:/web/logs/.`我浏览了其他文章,只是没有正确地配置log4j2.这是我所拥有的:

This is a Spring MVC app and I have a filedirs.properties file located in the src/main/resources folder along with the log4j2.xml, i18n message and other properties files. It has a simple entry: logs=G:/web/logs/.` I've looked through other posts and am just not getting how to configure log4j2 correctly. Here's what I've have:

    <Property name="filename">${bundle:net.myapp.filedirs:logs}standard.log</Property>
<File name="stdLog" fileName="${filename}" ignoreExceptions="false">
    <PatternLayout pattern="%d{DEFAULT} %-5p: %c - %m%n"/>
...rest of config...


ERROR FileManager (${bundle:net.myapp.filedir:logs}standard.log) java.io.FileNotFoundException:


<Property name="filename">g:/web/logs/standard.log</Property>


I'm hung up on the correct domain portion of the bundle syntax - myapp.net is not the actual website, but it's similar enough. I've tried a couple dozen variations but in debug mode java.util.ResourceBundle never finds the filedirs properties file when it goes through the log4j2 initialization. The manual sample is com.domain.messages so I'm stumped why net.myapp.filedirs doesn't work.


正如我在评论中指出的那样,事实证明它确实有效,但是手册可能不正确.代替此处所述的com.domain.messages财产替代,什么工作只是messages,例如<Property name="filename">${bundle:filedir:logs}standard.log</Property>.将status=debug添加到<Configuration>最终帮助我弄清了这一点.

As I indicated in my comment, it turns out that it does work but the manual may be incorrect. Instead of com.domain.messages as described here, Property Substitution, what worked was simply messages, e.g., <Property name="filename">${bundle:filedir:logs}standard.log</Property>. Adding status=debug to <Configuration> finally helped me figure this out.


I don't know if this makes any difference, but I'm testing through STS (localhost) on my PC - is it possible the documentation may be correct for a production website? No idea since I don't have a production deployment yet but it's something I'll check out when I get it up and running.


07-29 19:36