本文介绍了我需要 Dispose() 或 Close() 一个 EventWaitHandle 吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如果我使用 EventWaitHandle(或 AutoResetEventManualResetEvent)在线程之间进行同步,那么我是否需要调用 Close()Dispose() 方法,当我完成它时?

If I am using EventWaitHandle (or AutoResetEvent, ManualResetEvent) to synchronise between threads then do I need to call the Close() or Dispose() methods on that event handle when I am done with it?

EventWaitHandle 继承自 WaitHandle,后者实现了 IDisposable.如果我没有在任何包含 EventWaitHandle 的类上实现 IDisposable,FxCop 会抱怨.所以这表明我确实需要调用它.

EventWaitHandle inherits from WaitHandle, which implements IDisposable. And FxCop complains if I don't implement IDisposable on any class that contains an EventWaitHandle. So this suggests that I do need to call it.

但是,这些 MSDN 使用示例都没有调用 Dispose()Close():

However none of these MSDN usage examples call Dispose() or Close():



Is this just an example of Microsoft ignoring their own advice?


EventWaitHandle的一次性资源实际上是一个SafeHandle(包装在一个SafeWaitHandle).SafeHandle 实现了一个终结器,它最终确保释放必要的资源,因此让垃圾收集器/终结器线程处理它应该是安全的在这种情况下.

The disposable resource of an EventWaitHandle is actually a SafeHandle (wrapped in a SafeWaitHandle). SafeHandle implements a finalizer, which eventually makes sure the necessary resource is release, so it should be safe to let the garbage collector / finalizer thread handle it in this case.

但是,当不再需要资源时,显式调用 Dispose() 总是一个好主意.

However, it is always a good idea to explicitly call Dispose() when the resource is no longer needed.

C# 3.0 in a Nutshell 中的线程章节陈述

这种做法(可以说)是可以接受的带有等待句柄,因为它们有一个轻操作系统负担(异步代表完全依赖这种机制释放他们的 IAsyncResult 的等待句柄).

这篇关于我需要 Dispose() 或 Close() 一个 EventWaitHandle 吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 19:12