


void foo(const int&);

int bar();

int test1()
    int x = bar();
    int y = x;
    return x - y;

int test2()
    const int x = bar();
    const int y = x;
    return x - y;

在我对标准的理解中,test2中的foo不允许xy进行更改,而在test1中的foo不能对其进行更改(例如,const_castconst int&中删除const,因为所引用的对象实际上不是test1中的const).

In my understanding of the standard, neither x nor y are allowed to be changed by foo in test2, whereas they could be changed by foo in test1 (with e.g. a const_cast to remove const from the const int& because the referenced objects aren't actually const in test1).

现在,无论gcc,clang还是MSVC都似乎都没有将test2优化为foo(bar()); return 0;,而且我可以理解,他们不想浪费优化,而将这种优化传递给实践的人很少.

Now, neither gcc nor clang nor MSVC seem to optimize test2 to foo(bar()); return 0;, and I can understand that they do not want to waste optimization passes on an optimization that only rarely applies in practice.


But am I at least correct in my understanding of this situation, or am I missing some legal way for x to be modified in test2?


该标准在 [dcl.type.cv] :

根据 [basic.life] :

这意味着将x - y优化为零是有效的,因为任何在foo中修改x的尝试都会导致不确定的行为.

This means that the optimization of x - y to zero is valid because any attempt to modify x in foo would result in undefined behavior.


The interesting question is if there is a reason for not performing this optimization in existing compilers. Considering that the const object definition is local to test2 and the fact is used within the same function, usual exceptions such as support for symbol interposition do not apply here.


07-23 07:39