The Media Foundation H264 Encoder MFT documentation does not mention a CLSID for the encoder. Other Encoder class IDs, and the H264 Decoder MFT class ID are defined at
\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\7.1\Include\wmcodecdsp.h or
\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.x\Include\am\wmcodecdsp.h
我在枚举设备时看到此编解码器,并且可以获得CLSID,即{6ca50344-051a-4ded-9779-a43305165e35 },但从枚举列表中找不到,但是我希望找到一个命名的GUID,如下所示:CLSID_CH264MediaEncObject
I see this codec when I enumerate the devices, and can obtain the CLSID, which is {6ca50344-051a-4ded-9779-a43305165e35}, from the enumerated list, but I cannot find a named GUID, which I would expect to be something like: CLSID_CH264MediaEncObject
I would like to use the GUID (rather than the enumerated name) to make decisions when building my topology based on which encoder the user has selected. I can define_guid this, but it just seems odd.
So:Why is there not a named guid for the H264 Encoder MFT?
这似乎是有意的,因为Media Foundation API建议您让该API为您选择合适的编码器。您的角色是建立一个合适的配置文件,并让转码API使用请求的参数来创建拓扑。
This looks intentional as Media Foundation API suggests that you let the API choose appropriate encoder for you. Your role there is to build a suitable profile and let transcoding API to create the topology using requested parameters.
我想您知道MSDN的领导者,但是为了记录: a href = http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/desktop/ff819476%28v=vs.85%29.aspx#create_the_transcode_profile rel = nofollow>教程:编码MP4文件-创建转码配置文件。
I suppose you know the MSDN leads, but for the record: Tutorial: Encoding an MP4 File - Create the Transcode Profile.
In particular, they seem to want to retain control over encoder choice in order to use hardware encoder automatically where applicable:
如果存在经过认证的硬件编码器,则通常将其用于代替与Media Foundation相关的方案的收件箱系统编码器。
If a certified hardware encoder is present, it will generally be used instead of the inbox system encoder for Media Foundation related scenarios.
One of the problems with compressors in DirectShow was the common list and competition between compressors. For many reasons, an application would rather hardcode specific compressor rather than use the best choice for given format. Here in MF the approach is different: a profile defines what you want to eventually get on the output, then API takes responsibility to supply the encoder.
这篇关于Media Foundation H264编码器的CLSID在哪里?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!