


public class A
public delegate void SetTextDel(string value);
public void Test()
      SetTextDel setText = someInterface.SetText;

[ComVisible(true), Guid("81C99F84-AA95-41A5-868E-62FAC8FAC263"),   InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
    public interface Icom
        void Set(Delegate del);

    public class B : Icom
         Set(Delegate del)
              del.DynamicInvoke("some text");


And I get targetinvocation exception in Set(Delegate del). Is there a better way to forward delegate as parameter? Or I making some mistake here that I not seeing. What am I trying to do is to pass someInterface.SetText this method as parameter. Thanks for helping.



public class A
    public delegate void SetTextDel(string value);

    void TestSetText(string value)

    public void Test(Icom icom)
        SetTextDel del = TestSetText;

[ComVisible(true), Guid("81C99F84-AA95-41A5-868E-62FAC8FAC263"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
public interface Icom
    void Set(Delegate del);

public class B : Icom
    public void Set(Delegate del)
        del.DynamicInvoke("some text");

private void buttonTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var a = new A();
    var b = new B();


接下来,如果你正在寻找的从C传递一个回调函数++ Icom.Set ,下面的工作了:

Next, if you're looking to pass a callback function from C++ to Icom.Set, the following would work too:

public delegate void SetTextDel([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string value);

[ComVisible(true), Guid("81C99F84-AA95-41A5-868E-62FAC8FAC263"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
public interface Icom
    void Set([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] SetTextDel del);

public class B : Icom
    public void Set(SetTextDel del)
        del("some text");

请确保32位code编译您的两个C#和C ++项目。 C ++的回调函数应该被声明为:

Make sure to compile both of your C# and C++ projects as 32-bit code. The C++ callback function should be declared as such:

static HRESULT __stdcall SetTextDelCallback(BSTR value)
    return S_OK;

最后,正确的方式来实现这个,国际海事组织,是简单地定义一个回调接口(如 ISetCallback 以下),传递对象实现这样的接口,而不是委托。 ISetCallback 可以用任何语言来实现,C#或C ++:

Finally, the proper way to implement this, IMO, is to simply define a callback interface (like ISetCallback below) and pass an object implementing such interface, rather than a delegate. ISetCallback can be implemented in any language, either C# or C++:

[ComVisible(true), Guid("2FE5D78D-D9F2-4236-9626-226356BA25E7")]
public interface ISetCallback
    void OnSetText(string value);

public class A : ISetCallback
    public void OnSetText(string value) // ISetCallback

    public void Test(Icom icom)

[ComVisible(true), Guid("81C99F84-AA95-41A5-868E-62FAC8FAC263"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
public interface Icom
    void Set(ISetCallback callback);

public class B : Icom
    public void Set(ISetCallback callback)
        callback.OnSetText("some text");

private void buttonTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var a = new A();
    var b = new B();



07-22 21:05