据我了解,规范,RFC 2616(HTTP/1.1)中引入的ETag是Last-Modified-Header的后继(某种形式),提议将其提供给软件架构师更多控制缓存重新验证过程.
As far as I understand the specs, the ETag, which was introduced in RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) is a successor (of sorts) for the Last-Modified-Header, which is proposet to give the software-architect more controll over the cache-revalidating process.
如果同时存在两个缓存验证标头(If-None-Match和If-Modified-Since),则根据RFC 2616,客户端(即浏览器)在检查资源是否已更改时应使用ETag. .根据RFC 2616的14.26节,如果If-None-Match-Header中显示的ETag已更改,并且服务器必须忽略其他If-Modified-Since-Header,则服务器不得以304 Not Modified进行响应. (如果存在).如果显示的ETag匹配,则他不得执行请求,除非Last-Modified-Header中的Date如此. (如果显示的ETag匹配,则服务器应以304未修改的形式响应,以获取GET或HEAD请求...)
If both Cache-Validation-Headers (If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since) are present, according to RFC 2616, the client (i.e. the browser) should use the ETag when checking, if a resource has changed. According to section 14.26 of RFC 2616, the server MUST NOT respond with a 304 Not Modified, if the ETag presented in a If-None-Match-Header has changed, and the server has to ignore an additional If-Modified-Since-Header, if present. If the presented ETag matches, he MUST NOT perform the request, unless the Date in the Last-Modified-Header says so. (If the presented ETag matches, the server should respond with a 304 Not Modified in case of a GET- or HEAD-request...)
This section leaves room for some speculations:
- 强大的ETag应该每次"更改,资源也会更改.因此,必须用其他响应(如304 Not Modified)响应具有不变的ETag和不匹配的If-Modified-Since-Header的请求,这有点矛盾,因为强ETag表示资源是没有修改. (不过,这并不是致命的,因为服务器可以再次发送相同的不变资源.)
- ...
... o.k.While I was writing this, the question was boiling down to this answer:
上述(小的)矛盾是由于ETag弱而造成的.标有弱ETag的资源可能已更改,尽管ETag并未更改.因此,如果ETag较弱,那么当ETag尚未更改但If-Modified-Since中显示的日期不匹配时,用304 Not Modified回答是错误的吗?
The (small) contradiction stated above, was made because of Weak ETags. A resource marked with a Weak ETag may have changed, although the ETag has not. So, in case of a Weak ETag it would be wrong, to answer with 304 Not Modified, when the ETag has not changed, but the date presented in the If-Modified-Since does not match, right?
The difference between a regular (strong) ETag and a weak ETag is that a matching strong ETag guarantees the file is byte-for-byte identical, whereas a matching weak ETag indicates that the content is semantically the same. So if the content of the file changes, the weak ETag should change as well.
In the scenario you present, the file on the server may be newer than the cached copy in the client -- but since the ETag matches, it is semantically equivalent to the cached copy so it would be acceptable to return a 304 response.