


I wonder if there's any way something like this would be possible for value types...

public static class ExtensionMethods {
    public static void SetTo(this Boolean source, params Boolean[] bools) {
		for (int i = 0; i < bools.Length; i++) {
			bools[i] = source;


then this would be possible:

Boolean a = true, b, c = true, d = true, e;
b.SetTo(a, c, d, e);


Of course, this does not work because the bools are a value type so they are passed into the function as a value, not as a reference.


Other than wrapping the value types into reference types (by creating another class), is there any way to pass a variable into function by the reference (ref) while using params modifier?



This is not possible. To explain why, first read my essay on why it is that we optimize deallocation of local variables of value type by putting them on the stack:


现在,你明白,应该很清楚为什么你不能存放在数组中的参考BOOL。如果能,那么你可以有它生存的时间比被引用的堆栈变量数组。我们有两个选择:要么允许这样做,并产生方案,其中碰撞,如果你搞错了可怕的死亡 - 这是用C或设计师做出的选择,禁止它,有一个系统,这是不太灵活,但更安全。我们选择了后者。

Now that you understand that, it should be clear why you cannot store a "ref bool" in an array. If you could, then you could have an array which survives longer than the stack variable being referenced. We have two choices: either allow this, and produce programs which crash and die horribly if you get it wrong -- this is the choice made by the designers of C. Or, disallow it, and have a system which is less flexible but more safe. We chose the latter.


But let's think about this a little deeper. If what you want is to pass around "thing which allows me to set a variable", we have that. That's just a delegate:

static void DoStuff<T>(this T thing, params Action<T> actions)
    foreach(var action in actions) action(thing);
bool b = whatever;
b.DoStuff(x=>{q = x;}, x=>{r = x;} );



07-17 14:28