我很难理解这一点.我知道作用域链,javascript中的回调,回调中 this 的值,以及箭头功能.
I am having trouble to get my head around this one.I am aware of scope chaining, callbacks in javascript, the value of this in the callbacks and hence the arrow functions.
In javascript, closures have access to variables of the enclosing function via the scope chain. So why the closure does not access the 'this' bound via Function.prototype.bind to the parent function of closure ? Is the variable 'this' not a part of the scope chain?
Ran the following code inside the chrome console :
a = 4;
b = 6;
function outer(){
function inner(){
console.log(`this.a is ${this.a} and this.b is ${this.b}`);
this.a is 4 and this.b is 6
This and closures are 2 different mechanisms in JS and should not be mixed.this in outer function is completely separated from this in inner function.
In your example you are expecting for inner function to have lexical scope of this from outer function and that is just not how this is working. It is working like that if you are using arrow function because then this would be lexical and will point to this from outer function.if you change your inner function to arrow function you can observe that behavior // this.a is 1 and this.b is 3
const内部=()=> { console.log(this.a is ${this.a} and this.b is ${this.b}
const inner = () => { console.log(this.a is ${this.a} and this.b is ${this.b}
如果您想了解它的表现,我强烈推荐凯尔·辛普森(Kyle Simpson)着书,该书可在github 此&对象原型
if you want to learn how this is behaving I highly recommend book from Kyle Simpson and it's free on github this & object prototypes
因此,您可以看到内部函数的位置与其绑定的内容无关. 规定定义如何绑定
So like you can see position of inner function is not relevant to what this will bound to. rules that defines how this will be bound
after reading above link you should have more understanding on this in JS.
这篇关于javascript this闭包的外部功能具有绑定的"this"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!