Apply the android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" attribute to the application element in the AndroidManifest.xml file, including resources Resources\raw\sample_ca.pem Resources\xml\network_security_config.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><network-security-config> <base-config> <trust-anchors> <certificates src="@raw/sample_ca"/> <certificates src="system"/> <certificates src="user"/> </trust-anchors> </base-config></network-security-config>这没有明显的效果,我在调试输出中看不到任何表明运行时甚至正在加载它的内容.我已经看到对的引用://>消息,如下所示:This had no visible effect, and I cannot see anything in the debug output that would indicate that the runtime is even loading this. I have seen references to messages like this:D/NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default但是,无论有没有此设置,我都从未见过类似或类似的消息.我真的不知道它是否被应用,或者btls实现甚至使用/尊重它.However, with or without this in place I have never seen messages like this or similar. I really have no idea if it is being applied or not, or if btls implementation even uses/respects this.有趣的是,由于Android minSdk设置为24,目标sdk为27,我希望缺少该声明会导致TLS 1.2无法正常工作,如果我只是将CA添加到android设备中用户证书存储.我怀疑周围有一些Xamarin错误.Interestingly, since the Android minSdk is set to 24 and target sdk of 27 I would expect the lack of this declaration should cause TLS 1.2 to not work if I simply added the CA to the android device user certificate store. I suspect there are a few Xamarin bugs surrounding this.将CA添加到X509存储,希望btls将其用作证书的来源.这种方法在Windows/.NET 4上有效(确实会弹出一个对话框,以接受证书的添加).Add the CA to the X509 Store, hoping btls uses that as a source of certificates. This approach works on Windows/.NET 4 (it does bring up a dialog to accept the addition of the certificate). X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.CurrentUser); store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite); var certs = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, cert.Thumbprint, false); if (certs.Count == 0) store.Add(cert); store.Close();尝试3:处理 ServerCertificateValidationCallback .在Xamarin Android中永远不会调用此方法,但是这种方法在Windows/.NET 4上有效.Attempt 3:Handle ServerCertificateValidationCallback. This never gets called in Xamarin Android, but this approach works on Windows/.NET 4.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, errors) =>{ if (errors == SslPolicyErrors.None) return true; //BUGBUG: Obviously there should be a much more extensive check here. if (certificate.Issuer == caCert.Issuer) return true; return false;};有一些 单音围绕btls和拉动请求,使这种方法在不久的将来成为可能.There are some Mono issues surrounding btls and a pull request that makes this approach look possible in the near future.将CA证书(和/或从CA发行的证书)添加到 ClientWebSocket.Options ClientCertificates集合.从技术上讲,这不适用于CA Certs,而应成为与自签名证书一起使用的方法.我在此仅出于完整性的目的提供它.不出所料,它也不起作用.Add the CA cert (and/or the cert issued from the CA) to the ClientWebSocket.Options ClientCertificates collection. Technically this should not work with CA Certs but should be the approach to use with self-signed certificates. I offer it here merely for completeness. As expected, it does not work either.易于使用的代码通过上述所有尝试的变通办法演示了此问题,请参见可在GitHub上获得.Easy to use code that demonstrates this issue with all of the attempted workarounds described above is available on GitHub.推荐答案我不知道问题出在什么地方,但是我也遇到了一些问题,因为我是从我的第一个https webservices开始的.原因是,我从一个自签名证书开始,没有丑陋的解决方法是行不通的...因此..仅使用公共供应商的已签名(受信任)证书,您应该不会有任何问题...要在http和https之间切换,您只需更改网址(从http更改为https)-无需对应用程序ae进行进一步更改.通常,我通常先使用http(从.ini文件加载的url ist)对Web服务进行(本地)测试,然后将Web服务复制到真实的" Web服务器(带有证书和https url).我从来没有任何问题(使用受信任的证书时)...I don't know, what the problem was, but I also had some problems, as I have started with my first https webservices.The reason was, that I have started with a self signed certificate, what does not work without ugly workarounds...So.. only use signed (trusted) certificates from a public vendor and you should not have any problem...To switch between http and https you only have to change the url (from http to https) - no further changes in the app ae needed.I normally do first (local) tests with the web service with http (the url ist loaded from an .ini file) and then copy the web service to the "real" webserver (with certificate and https url).I never had any problems (when a trusted certificate is used)... 这篇关于Xamarin Android:具有自定义证书颁发机构证书验证的本机TLS,ClientWebSocket失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-29 11:34