How can I convert my website into different language, for ex I want to translate it into Russian. It is a commercial website, i cant use google translate. How can I do it please guide me. Thanks
codeproject 中有很多文章可以帮助你实现这一点,参考 this, this、this、this 和其他几个.尝试在 google 和 stackoverflow 中搜索 ASP.NET Globalization 或 ASP.NET Culture,您会找到几篇文章和帖子.当然,没有什么比传统的翻译方式更胜一筹了 ;) 我同意 MSI 和 Christopher 的观点,聘请翻译是解决您问题的最佳方法(这就是我们为网站所做的).干杯.
There are many articles in codeproject that can help you achieve this, refer to this, this, this, this and several others. Try searching ASP.NET Globalization or ASP.NET Culture in google and stackoverflow, you'll find several articles and posts. Of course, nothing beats the old fashion way of translating ;) I agree with MSI and Christopher, hiring a translator is the best solution to your problem (that's what we did for our website). Cheers.