

我正在为共享层开发 AMP 文件,我想覆盖搜索顺序.目前,排序由fullName 执行.就我而言,我需要按 lastName 排序.

I'm developing AMP file for the Share tier and I want to override the search order. Currently, the sorting performed by fullName. In my case I need sorting by lastName.

people-finder.js 中,我发现了这一行:

In people-finder.js I found this line:

* Build URI parameter string for People Finder JSON data webscript
* @method _buildSearchParams
* @param searchTerm {string} Search terms to query
_buildSearchParams: function PeopleFinder__buildSearchParams(searchTerm)
    return "sortBy=fullName&dir=asc&filter=" + encodeURIComponent(searchTerm) + "&maxResults=" + this.options.maxSearchResults;

我认为,我应该将 sortBy 参数从 fullName 覆盖到 lastName.我在本地做了一些实验,发现这些值的变化会对排序产生影响.

I think, that I should override sortBy parameter from fullName to lastName. I have done some experiments locally and saw that changes in those values make affect to the sorting.


正如 Sanjay Patel 所指出的,我创建了以下路径并将相关的 JavaScript 文件放在那里:

As Sanjay Patel noted, I created the following path and place relevant JavaScript files there:


我也试过这种方式 - sharesrcmainampwebcomponentspeople-finder

I tried this way too - sharesrcmainampwebcomponentspeople-finder

但现在在嵌入式本地 Tomcat 上一切正常,我可以看到 JavaScript 文件被覆盖:

But now on the embedded local Tomcat all works fine and I can see that JavaScript file was overridden:


But on the production server I get the following:


  • delete alfresco and share directories from webapps;
  • clear the browser's cache;
  • uninstall AMP from Share and install again. Check, that it present in Share;
  • perform a full reindex with Solr

没有任何帮助.. 所有这些都无助于覆盖 people-finder.js

Nothing helps.. All of that not helped to override the people-finder.js



在 eclips 中创建与 people-finder.js 文件相同的路径,例如 sharesrcmainampwebcomponentspeople-finder 并放置你修改的文件.

Create same path as people-finder.js file in eclips like sharesrcmainampwebcomponentspeople-finder and place your modified file.


07-29 21:24