我们正在为我们的域部署OneDrive for Business本地(针对总部办公室)"abc.com" .现在,有些用户已经在同一域中使用Office365 Onedrive进行在线业务(某些学生和教职员工)" abc.com ".现在的要求是允许在两个环境(本地OD和OD Online用户)之间共享文档,文件和文件夹.
we are deploying OneDrive for Business on-premises (for HQ Office) for our domain"abc.com". Now there are some users who already using Office365 Onedrive for business online (some students and faculty) with the same domain"abc.com". Now the requirement is to enable sharing of documents, files, and folders between two environments (On-premises OD & OD Online users).
为了使两个环境之间能够共享,双方都需要进行什么设置,我们是否需要在SharePoint Online或其他内容之间建立混合SharePoint?
In-order to enable the Sharing between two environments what setup is required on both sides, do we need to established hybrid SharePoint between SharePoint Online or something else?
- 创建一个包含所有具有在线和本地OneDrive的用户的受众.
- 将所有用户文件从本地迁移到在线.
- 启用您在#1中创建的受众群体的混合广告.现在,只要用户单击本地的单驱动器"链接,观众中的用户就会被重定向到其在线OneDrive. 本地Trier OneDrive从现在开始将为空且无法访问 上.
- Create an audience that contains all the users who have both online and on-premises OneDrives.
- Migrate all the user's files from on-premises to on-line.
- Enable hybrid for the audience you created in #1. User's in the audience will now be re-directed to their on-line OneDrive whenever they click on a One-Drive link on-premises. Trier on-premises OneDrive will be empty and unreachable from now on.
这篇关于本地OneDrive for Business与OneDrive Online之间的信息共享的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!