


I need to call some semi-trustworthy Java code and want to disable the ability to use reflection for the duration of that code's execution.

   // disable reflection somehow
   // enable reflection again


Can this be done with a SecurityManager, and if so, how?

澄清/背景:这是关于限制可以从JavaScript / Rhino调用的包。接受的答案引用了关于如何做到这一点的博客条目,它需要两个步骤,第一个使用Rhino API(ClassShutter),第二个关闭反射和Class.forName()。我想我可以使用SecurityManager更干净地完成第二步(了解SecurityManager,正如已经指出的那样,沿途是一个复杂的野兽)。

Clarification/Context: This is a follow-up to another question about restricting the packages that can be called from JavaScript/Rhino. The accepted answer references a blog entry on how to do that, and it requires two steps, the first one using a Rhino API (ClassShutter), the second one turning off reflection and Class.forName(). I was thinking I can do that second step more cleanly using a SecurityManager (learning about SecurityManager, which as has been pointed out, is a complex beast, along the way).


To sum up, I want (from code, not setting file) to turn off Class.forName() and any access to the whole reflection package.



It depends on what you are trying to restrict.


In general, publicly accessible API is not restricted. However, as long as you don't grant the untrustworthy code the ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks") permission, it won't be able to get access to non-public API in another package.

如果您有要限制所有访问权限的软件包列表,则有两个步骤。首先,在安全性属性中,。然后提供可信代码 RuntimePermission(accessClassInPackage。+ pkg)

If you have a list of packages to which you want to restrict all access, there are two steps. First, in the Security properties, include the restricted package in the package.access list. Then give your trusted code RuntimePermission("accessClassInPackage." + pkg).


A common way to distinguish your untrusted code is to load it from a different location, and refer to the different codebases in your policy file when granting permissions.


The Java security architecture is very powerful, but I know it is also complicated; if you would like a more concrete example, please describe exactly what calls you want to restrict and I'll try to be more explicit.

在不修改 java.policy 文件和/或 java.security 文件的情况下执行所需操作会很困难,也许是不可能的。 java.security.Policy 表示 java.policy 中的信息,但它不提供写访问权限。您可以创建自己的 Policy 实现,并在运行时安装它,只要任何现有的 SecurityManager 允许它。

To do what you want without modifying the java.policy file and/or the java.security file would be very difficult, maybe impossible. The java.security.Policy represents the information in java.policy, but it doesn't offer write access. You could create your own Policy implementation and install it at runtime as long as any existing SecurityManager permits it.


On the other hand, you can specify a custom java.policy file as a command-line option. If you are providing a complete application with some sort of launcher, that might be easily accomplished. It also provides some transparency to your users. A sophisticated user can review the permissions you'd like to have granted to the application.


08-20 05:53