

我将guava 17.0添加到我的pom.xml中,Eclipse自动重建项目。

I add guava 17.0 to my pom.xml, Eclipse automatically rebuilds project.

Ran mvn依赖关系:resolve ,maven在解析文件列表中显示 com.google.guava:guava:jar:17.0:compile

Ran mvn dependency:resolve, maven shows com.google.guava:guava:jar:17.0:compile in the list of resolved files.

然而在Eclipse中,我尝试自动完成 com.google.g ,它说没有默认提案。我已经在我的pom.xml中添加了依赖项,运行 mvn依赖关系:resolve 并且Eclipse立即将它们接回来。这个时候有什么不同?

However when in Eclipse I try to auto-complete com.google.g, it says "No default proposals". I've added dependencies in my pom.xml before, run mvn dependency:resolve and Eclipse picked them up immediately. What's different this time?


I've tried the following so far:

  • 尝试清理项目并让其自动重建。

  • 清理,自动重建,重新启动Eclipse。

  • mvn clean 后跟 mvn install

  • (虽然我不能让Eclipse接受$ HOME / .m2作为Maven存储库(它是))。

  • Tried cleaning the project and letting it automatically rebuild.
  • Clean, auto-rebuild, re-start Eclipse.
  • mvn clean followed by mvn install
  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/6913992/91933
  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/12978632/91933
  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/2393810/91933 (although I couldn't get Eclipse to accept $HOME/.m2 as the Maven repository (which it is)).

我可以看到 target /< projname> -1.0-SNAPSHOT / WEB-INF / lib / guava-17.0.jar


  • OS X 10.9.3

  • Maven:3.1.1

  • Eclipse:开普勒2e 1.4)



The suggestion by @khmarbaise works best and solves all problems.

  1. 只需删除

  1. Just delete the project from Eclipse.

重新导入为现有Maven项目,并将其指向包含项目 pom.xml的目录文件。

Re-import as "Existing Maven Projects" and point it towards the directory that contains the project's pom.xml file.

让Eclipse的 m2e >

Let Eclipse's m2e plugin handle the rest



The following advice (taken from https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/webtoolsplatform#maven) may only apply to GAE projects, but seems like it should be generally applicable (my project is GAE, so can't be sure):

1. A subdirectory named target

2. A subdirectory named .settings

3. A file named .classpath

4. A file named .project


07-22 06:56