本文介绍了下载Google Play服务JAR的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


很长一段时间,我一直与Android脱节。最近我不得不为Appcelerator开发一个Android模块。我需要使用Google Play服务。在JAR存在的extras文件夹下有一个目录。经过一番搜索后,我发现还有更小的单个JAR文件,例如google-play-services-base.jar等等。我需要使用google-play-services-analytics.jar。

现在问题是,从哪里可以下载JAR文件(google-play-services -analytics.jar),并了解它的版本。它对Google-play-serivces-base.jar有任何依赖性吗?我知道这可能是一个基本问题,但会很感激这个帮助。


从Android SDK管理器中,您可以选择并下载Google Play服务。 SDK管理器还会告诉你sdk的路径,以便你可以找到jar文件。 Google Play服务在SDK管理器中位于Extras之下。

如下面的评论所述,Play Services jar可以在
/ app中找到/ build / intermediate ates / exploded-aar / com .google.android.gms / p lay-services-analytic s / 9.4.0 / jars / classes.jar

更新:正如最新评论所述,这种方法不再适用。获得最近的jar最好的机会是下载它。例如。 。您可以使用它作为 input.files 用于 JavaExec 以及 -libraryjars 在推进过程中。

I have been out of touch with Android for considerably long time. Recently I had to develop an Android module for Appcelerator. I need to use the Google Play services. There is one present under extras folder where the JAR is present. After some search I found that there are also smaller size individual JAR files, for example google-play-services-base.jar and so on. I need to use google-play-services-analytics.jar.

Now the question is that as to from where can I download the JAR file (google-play-services-analytics.jar) and also get to know the version for it. Does it have any dependency on google-play-serivces-base.jar. I know this might be a basic question, but will appreciate the help.


From the Android SDK manager you can select and download Google Play services. The SDK manager will also tell you the path to your sdk so you can find the jar files. Google Play Services is under Extras in the SDK manager.

As stated in the comment below, the Play Services jar can be found in /app/build/intermedi‌​ates/exploded-aar/com‌​.google.android.gms/p‌​lay-services-analytic‌​s/9.4.0/jars/classes.‌​jarafter you do a build of your project.

Update: as noted in the latest comment, this method will not work any more. Your best chance of getting a recent jar is by downloading it the official way. E.g. https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/google/android/gms/play-services-basement/11.8.0/play-services-basement-11.8.0.aar. You can use it for the input.files for JavaExec as well as for -libraryjars during proguarding.

这篇关于下载Google Play服务JAR的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 05:46