


  1. YearToDateWages
  2. YTDWages
  3. YtdWages

我将与我1 preFER去不是什么缩写,除非它是一个超级常见的缩写,这是荒谬的拼出来。像HyperTextTransferProtocolRequest是荒谬的拼出来,所以它是安全的缩写,作为Htt的prequest。这是一个有点主观的,但有疑问的时候,我倾向于用缩写。


Which of the following three options would you choose for a property name in C#, and why?

  1. YearToDateWages
  2. YTDWages
  3. YtdWages

I would go with 1. I prefer not to abbreviate anything, unless it's a super-common acronym that would be ridiculous to spell out. Something like "HyperTextTransferProtocolRequest" would be ridiculous to spell out, so it's safe to abbreviate that as "HttpRequest." It's a little subjective, but when in doubt, I tend to not abbreviate.

If you decide to go with 2 or 3, I'd probably vote for 3, based on the recommendations from the "Framework Design Guidelines." It basically says that for acronyms that are 3 or more letters long, you should capitalize the first letter and lower-case the rest. It's a little ambiguous on 2-letter acronyms... Some people prefer to capitalize all letters like "ID" and some prefer to go with "Id". The guideline is to actually capitalize all letters of a 2-letter acronym, but that kind of contradicts with the guideline for 3+ letter acronyms, so people do it both ways.


09-02 09:03