In my tomcat there are multiple webapps deployed and they communicate with each other. Currently they all have their own log file. But when there is some issue comes from call I have to 1st check with the app to whom I made a call and check log file of respective apps involved in the call. So I want that, as all apps is deployed in same tomcat and sharing a common log4j, if a call made to any app then all logs should be in a single log file and no matters how my webapps are involved all error comes from any webapp during the call should be in a single log file.
I have no idea how can I achieve this. So any help is appreciable.
Edited:I think my question is not cleared so updated with use case:
- 我有三个Web应用程序A,B,C,它们的日志文件分别为A.log,B.log和C.log.
- 我打了两个电话.第一个到A(内部称为C),第二个到B(内部称为C).
- 现在,第一次调用的日志记录必须在A.log中(每个步骤的日志都在webapp c中执行),而第二次调用的日志记录必须在B.log中(每个步骤的日志都在webapp c中执行).
I'd rather recommend that you leave your log files as they are and use a separate log collector service. Then you can just search using that service what you want to know. As an additional bonus, you get filters and other nifty features.
LogStash 是我听说过的好东西.虽然还没有时间使用它,但是我认为这是一个应该去的方向. 首页上有关于它的介绍,入门资料此处.
LogStash is one I've heard good things about. Haven't had the time to take it into use yet, though, but I think that's the direction one should go to. There's a presentation about it on the front page and getting started material here.
Disclaimer: I'm no way affiliated with them, I just think that's the direction log analysis should go to.