so I am making a simon says game. This function displays the current sequence. The problem with it right now is that it doesn't really go in a nice sequence, it kind of does everything at once. Say the colors are "blue", "red", and "yellow, they will all go off at the same time rather than in sequence. How can I fix this?
var displaySequence = function(){
$("#" + color).fadeTo(300, 0.5).fadeTo(300, 1.0);
一个无jQuery解决方案。你需要使用数组索引来给出每个调用之间等待的错觉,但是每个函数都已经运行了。会发生什么:显示颜色1合1秒,显示颜色2秒2 ...
A none jQuery solution. You will need to use the array index to give the illusion of waiting between each call, however each function has ran already. What will happen is: show color 1 in 1 second, show color 2 in 2 seconds...
var displaySequence = function(){
compSequence.forEach(function(color, index){
$("#" + color).fadeTo(300, 0.5).fadeTo(300, 1.0);
1000 * index);
调整1000 *索引来改变延迟。
adjust the 1000 * index to change the delay.