我在BlackBerry推送客户端应用程序加以澄清一些事情。我已经开发了可以安装在可公开访问的位置样本推送发起程序(通过BIS)接收推送消息的启用推送的应用程序。现在我遇到了一个关于发送个性化的消息,每个设备的问题。对于这个问题我需要使用自带的BlackBerry推送订阅SDK API。 这个问题是类似于已经张贴在这里,但它包含了我的任何信息。我的问题是,
I have few things to be clarified in BlackBerry push client applications. I have developed an push-enabled application which can receive push messages from the sample push initiator application installed on a publicly accessible location (through BIS). I have now run into a question about sending personalized messages to each device. For that matter I need to use subscription API that comes with BlackBerry push SDK. This question is similar to what has been posted here, but it contains no information for me. My questions are,
- 我使用了注册API黑莓客户端应用程序的注册从PPG收到推送消息。它只需要APP-ID,设备端口和URL推(推不引发URL)。当应用程序的用户界面启动客户端应用程序将自身注册(这是我怎么注册推送API)。这是我需要做的就是为客户端的订阅与推送发起或客户确实需要推送发起直接联系订阅?
- 为什么我需要提供订阅的推发起申请/退订的URL(我不提供任何退订/客户端推送应用程序订阅设施)还是有一种方法,通过应用程序管理器/操作系统实现这一目标?或者我需要从PushResult对象获取退订用户和处理它们?
- 最初时是推客户端推送发起订阅的机制如何推动剂来了解客户呢?
- 有一篇博客文章或教程描述每个及由RIM提供的文件材料涉及整个通信过程除了每一步?
Currently I am using Push Essentials but might migrate to Push Plus service later(in the distance future).
敬请AP preciate你的快速反应。
Kindly appreciate your quick response.
Ok, so there are 2 things to keep in mind:1) The BlackBerry Infrastructure (Push Proxy Gateway or PPG) needs to have your device listed as subscribed for your specific application ID in order for pushes to be delivered to your device. Subscribing from the device registers it with the PPG and tells the PPG "I would like to allow pushes from this App ID to be delivered to me". If your device is not subscribed to the PPG then your pushes from the initiator will be sent, accepted by the PPG but never allowed to be delivered to the target device.
2) Even if the device is registered with the PPG, how does your server sending the pushes keep track of what devices are registered? This is done by registering with the Push Initiator. The client sample application included with the Push SDK has a mechanism to show how this can be done. As well the server sample is set to receive these requests and add the client to the database so that it can be included for future pushes.
With all that in mind what happens if:1) The user un-installs the application2) The user switches devices
In the above cases there needs to be a mechanism to de-register the device from receiving pushes both from the PPG and from your server Push Initiator. Again the client sample application shows how this can be done.