如何在不更改 URL 的情况下在 Angular 2 应用程序中进行路由?(这是因为该应用程序位于 Django 应用程序页面上的多个选项卡之一下,适合将 URL 保持不变.)
How can i route in an Angular 2 app without changing the URL? (this is because the app is located under one of several tabs on a page of a Django app, where it's suitable to leave the URL unchanged.)
目前我在 app.component.ts
path: '/home',
name: 'Home',
component: HomeComponent,
useAsDefault: true
path: '/user/:id',
name: 'UserDetail',
component: UserDetailComponent
and inside say HomeComponent
, navigation to a user page uses the following
this._router.navigate(['UserDetail', {id: id}]);
那么 URL 将类似于 http://localhost:8000/django_url/user/123
then the url will look like http://localhost:8000/django_url/user/123
当我在 Angular 2 应用程序中导航时,是否可以保持 url 不变?所以当用户在页面 user/123
上时,url 将保持 http://localhost:8000/django_url
is it possible to have the url unchanged when i navigate within the Angular 2 app? so the url will stay http://localhost:8000/django_url
when a user is on page user/123
router.navigateByUrl("/team/33/user/11", { skipLocationChange: true });
<a [routerLink]="..." skipLocationChange>click me</a>
有一个 PR 直接支持这个 https://github.com/angular/angular/拉/9608
There is a PR to support this directly https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/9608
您可以实现类似于 而不是调用 history.pushState()
, history.replaceState()
, history.back()
和 history.forward()
You can implement a custom PlatformLocation
similar to BrowserPlatformLocation but instead of calling ot history.pushState()
, history.replaceState()
, history.back()
, and history.forward()
maintain the changes in a local array.
然后您可以通过提供类似的方式让 Angular 使用您的自定义实现
You can then make Angular use your custom implementation by providing it like
[provide(PlatformLocation, {useClass: MyPlatformLocation})]);
这篇关于Angular 2:路由而不改变 URL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!