如果Len(whr)> 0然后 MySQL = MySQL& WHERE(& whr&")" 结束如果 MySQL = MySQL&英寸; ''Debug.Print MySQL Me.sbfVolunteers.Form.RecordSource = MySQL 设置ctl = Nothing 结束次级 ***************************** ********************* ** 实施上述所有措施后,您应该可以选择Chev。并且 拥有所有Chev = True显示的记录。 按[Ctrl]并单击福特按钮。 ...然后子窗体应显示所有 Chev = True和Ford = True记录等等! 这种方法的优点在于你可以添加一个字段Volvo。 (呀, 吧!)稍后。您需要做的就是将其添加到 组合框中的字段列表中,修改上面的1.g.)中的列表框。 - HTH, Don ======================== ===== 使用 My*****@Telus.Net 进行电子操作邮件 免责声明: Professional PartsPerson 业余数据库程序员{:o) 我'这是一个Access97用户,所以所有发布的代码 样本也是基于Access97的 除非另有说明。 Do Until SinksIn = True 文件/保存,<书桌抽屉里的手指敲击> 循环 ====== ========================== " John young" < JA ***** @ arach.net.au>在消息中写道 news:82 ************************** @ posting.google.c om ... Don 我刚刚收到您的回复,我的查询已经完成了 实现了它,并在您指示时显示.. 我的问题可能在我的措辞中不完整,因为我想要做的是创建一个查询/报告给我一个清单 /所有成员的打印输出(志愿者)被列为真实的对于 所选字段名称类别...例如杂志等。 ,交换满足, " parts"等.... 查询将引用会员号码,姓名,电话号码,电子邮件 来自会员表及相关信息"真"来自列表框中选择的 字段的标准... 希望这更清楚... I have been looking for an answer to a problem and have found thisgroup and hope you can assist .I have been re doing a data base I have made for a car club I am withand have been trying to make a query that selects from a table asdesribed below ..I have a table (Volunteer) that has a member field (memnumber)and a number of fields that are headed in various categories and areyes/no formatedI want to get a create a query / report by selecting membersthat are "true" based on field category headings by selecting acategory as a variable, from a lookup table that has field /categoryheading in it, rather than create a number of stand alone queries.these field / categories may increase in the futureCan this be done easily or is at involved... ???I am not an expert but have reasonable amount of "User"knowledgeI am using Windows XP and Access 2002Your help would be gratefully accepted 解决方案 这篇关于按字段标题查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!