我有一个字符串1112224444",它是一个电话号码.我想在将其存储到文件之前将其格式化为 111-222-4444.它位于数据记录中,我希望能够在没有的情况下执行此操作分配一个新变量.
I have a string "1112224444' it is a telephone number. I want to format as 111-222-4444 before I store it in a file. It is on a datarecord and I would prefer to be able to do this without assigning a new variable.
String.Format("{0:###-###-####}", i["MyPhone"].ToString() );
but that does not seem to do the trick.
** 更新 **
Ok. I went with this solution
Convert.ToInt64(i["Customer Phone"]).ToString("###-###-#### ####")
现在,当扩展名小于 4 位时,它会变得混乱.它将从右侧填写数字.所以
Now its gets messed up when the extension is less than 4 digits. It will fill in the numbers from the right. so
1112224444 333 becomes
11-221-244 3334
请注意,此答案适用于数字数据类型(int、long).如果您以字符串开头,则需要先将其转换为数字.另外,请注意您需要验证初始字符串的长度是否至少为 10 个字符.
Please note, this answer works with numeric data types (int, long). If you are starting with a string, you'll need to convert it to a number first. Also, please take into account that you'll need to validate that the initial string is at least 10 characters in length.
来自 好页面 的例子:
String.Format("{0:(###) ###-####}", 8005551212);
This will output "(800) 555-1212".
Although a regex may work even better, keep in mind the old programming quote:
--Jamie Zawinski,在 comp.lang.emacs 中
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