Currently, I have one df and a price table.
Order Number wgt wgt_intvl price
------------------- --------------- -----
01 22 0-15 50
02 5 15-25 75
03 35 25-50 135
我想要的是将df中的权重匹配到R中价格表的间隔中.例如,第一笔订单( Order Number 01
)对应价格为75因此,我想在第一个df中添加一列,例如 df $ cost
,该列与根据价格表中的 wgt_intvl
What I'd like is to match the weight from the df into an interval of the price table in R. For example, the first order (Order Number 01
) corresponds with a price of 75. Therefore, I want to add a column in the first df, say df$cost
that corresponds with the appropriate price according to wgt_intvl
in the price table.
我看到的方法是使用 if-else
The way I see to do it is with an if-else
statement, but this is highly inefficient and I was wondering if there is a better way to do it. In reality these tables are much longer - there is no logical "buildup" in price or weight interval. I have 15 weight intervals in this table. My current solution would look like this:
If(wgt < 15){
df$cost <- 50
} else if (wgt > 15 & wgt < 25){
df$cost <- 75
} else if(wgt > 25 & wgt < 50){
df$cost <- 135
This times fifteen, using the corresponding prices of the price table. I'd love a more efficient solution. Thanks in advance!
使用末尾注释"中可重复显示的数据,形成切点向量(即每个间隔中的第一个数字),然后使用 findInterval
Using the data shown reproducibly in the Note at the end, form the vector of cutpoints (i.e. the first number in each interval) and then use findInterval
to find the interval corresponding to the weight.
cutpoints <- as.numeric(sub("-.*", "", dfprice$wgt_intvl))
transform(dfmain, price = dfprice$price[findInterval(wgt, cutpoints)])
Order wgt price
1 01 22 75
2 02 5 50
3 03 35 135
4 04 25 135
dfmain <- data.frame(Order = c("01", "02", "03", "04"), wgt = c(22, 5, 35, 25),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dfprice <- data.frame(wgt_intvl = c("0-15", "15-25", "25-50"),
price = c(50, 75, 135), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)