


This is an extension of Update pairs of columns based on pattern in their names . Thus, this is partially motivated by curiosity and partially for entertainment.

在开发该问题的答案时,我突然想到这可能是 for 循环比 *apply 函数更有效的情况之一(并且我一直在寻找一个很好的例子来说明 *apply 不一定比结构良好的 for 循环更有效").所以我想再次提出这个问题,并询问是否有人能够使用 *apply 函数(或 purr,如果那是你的东西)比我在下面写的 for 循环更好.性能将根据我的笔记本电脑(运行 R 3.3.2 的廉价 Windows 机器)上的 microbenchmark 评估的执行时间来判断.

While developing an answer to that question, it occurred to me that this may be one of those cases where a for loop is more efficient than an *apply function (and I've been looking for a good illustration of the fact that *apply is not necessarily "more efficient" than a well constructed for loop). So I'd like to pose the question again, and ask if anyone is able to write a solution using an *apply function (or purr if that's your thing) that performs better than the for loop I've written below. Performance will be judged on execution time as evaluated via microbenchmark on my laptop (A cheap Windows box running R 3.3.2).

data.tabledplyr 建议也是受欢迎的.(我已经在计划如何利用我节省的所有微秒).

data.table and dplyr suggestions are welcome as well. (I'm already making plans for what I'll do with all the microseconds I save).


col_1 <- c(1,2,NA,4,5)
temp_col_1 <-c(12,2,2,3,4)
col_2 <- c(1,23,423,NA,23)
temp_col_2 <-c(1,2,23,4,5)

df_test <- data.frame(col_1, temp_col_1, col_2, temp_col_2)
df_test <- df_test[sample(1:nrow(df_test), 1000, replace = TRUE), ]


For each col_x, replace the missing values with the corresponding value in temp_col_x. So, for example:

  col_1 temp_col_1 col_2 temp_col_2
1     1         12     1          1
2     2          2    23          2
3    NA          2   423         23
4     4          3    NA          4
5     5          4    23          5


  col_1 temp_col_1 col_2 temp_col_2
1     1         12     1          1
2     2          2    23          2
3     2          2   423         23
4     4          3     4          4
5     5          4    23          5



temp_cols <- names(df_test)[grepl("^temp", names(df_test))]
cols <- sub("^temp_", "", temp_cols)

for (i in seq_along(temp_cols)){
  row_to_replace <- which(is.na(df_test[[cols[i]]]))
  df_test[[cols[i]]][row_to_replace] <- df_test[[temp_cols[i]]][row_to_replace]

到目前为止我最好的 apply 功能是:

My best apply function so far is:

lapply(names(df_test)[grepl("^temp_", names(df_test))],
         col <- sub("^temp_", "", tc)
         row_to_replace <- which(is.na(df_test[[col]]))
         df_test[[col]][row_to_replace] <<- df_test[[tc]][row_to_replace]


随着(如果)建议的出现,我将开始在对此问题的编辑中显示基准.(代码现在是 Frank 答案的副本,但按照承诺在我的机器上运行 100 次)


As (if) suggestions come in, I will begin showing benchmarks in edits to this question. (edit: code is now a copy of Frank's answer, but run 100 times on my machine, as promised)


nc = 1e3
nr = 1e2
df_m0 = sample(c(1:10, NA_integer_), nc*nr, replace = TRUE) %>% matrix(nr, nc) %>% data.frame
df_r  = sample(c(1:10), nc*nr, replace = TRUE) %>% matrix(nr, nc) %>% data.frame

microbenchmark(times = 100,
               for_vec = {
                 df_m <- df_m0
                 for (col in 1:nc){
                   w <- which(is.na(df_m[[col]]))
                   df_m[[col]][w] <- df_r[[col]][w]
               }, lapply_vec = {
                 df_m <- df_m0
                          w <- which(is.na(df_m[[i]]))
                          df_m[[i]][w] <<- df_r[[i]][w]

               }, for_df = {
                 df_m <- df_m0
                 for (col in 1:nc){
                   w <- which(is.na(df_m[[col]]))
                   df_m[w, col] <- df_r[w, col]
               }, lapply_df = {
                 df_m <- df_m0
                          w <- which(is.na(df_m[[i]]))
                          df_m[w, i] <<- df_r[w, i]
               }, mat = { # in lmo's answer
                 df_m <- df_m0
                 bah = is.na(df_m)
                 df_m[bah] = df_r[bah]
               }, set = {
                 df_m <- copy(df_m0)
                 for (col in 1:nc){
                   w = which(is.na(df_m[[col]]))
                   set(df_m, i = w, j = col, v = df_r[w, col])


Unit: milliseconds
       expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq      max neval cld
    for_vec 135.83875 157.84548 175.23005 166.60090 176.81839 502.0616   100  b
 lapply_vec 135.67322 158.99496 179.53474 165.11883 178.06968 551.7709   100  b
     for_df 173.95971 204.16368 222.30677 212.76608 224.78188 446.6050   100   c
  lapply_df 181.46248 205.57069 220.38911 215.08505 223.98406 381.1006   100   c
        mat 129.27835 154.01248 173.11378 159.83070 169.67439 453.0888   100  b
        set  66.86402  81.08138  86.32626  85.51029  89.58331 123.1926   100 a


Data.table 提供了 set 函数来通过引用修改 data.tables 或 data.frames.

Data.table provides the set function to modify data.tables or data.frames by reference.

这是一个在列数和行数方面更灵活的基准测试,它避开了 OP 中尴尬的列名内容:

Here's a benchmark that is more flexible with respect to numbers of cols and rows and that sidesteps the awkward column-name stuff in the OP:

nc = 1e3
nr = 1e2
df_m0 = sample(c(1:10, NA_integer_), nc*nr, replace = TRUE) %>% matrix(nr, nc) %>% data.frame
df_r  = sample(c(1:10), nc*nr, replace = TRUE) %>% matrix(nr, nc) %>% data.frame

microbenchmark(times = 10,
  for_vec = {
    df_m <- df_m0
    for (col in 1:nc){
      w <- which(is.na(df_m[[col]]))
      df_m[[col]][w] <- df_r[[col]][w]
    }, lapply_vec = {
    df_m <- df_m0
    lapply(seq_along(df_m), function(i){
          w <- which(is.na(df_m[[i]]))
          df_m[[i]][w] <<- df_r[[i]][w]
  }, for_df = {
    df_m <- df_m0
    for (col in 1:nc){
      w <- which(is.na(df_m[[col]]))
      df_m[w, col] <- df_r[w, col]
    }, lapply_df = {
    df_m <- df_m0
    lapply(seq_along(df_m), function(i){
          w <- which(is.na(df_m[[i]]))
          df_m[w, i] <<- df_r[w, i]
  }, mat = { # in lmo's answer
    df_m <- df_m0
    bah = is.na(df_m)
    df_m[bah] = df_r[bah]
  }, set = {
    df_m <- copy(df_m0)
    for (col in 1:nc){
      w = which(is.na(df_m[[col]]))
      set(df_m, i = w, j = col, v = df_r[w, col])


Unit: milliseconds
       expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq      max neval
    for_vec  77.06501  89.53430 100.10051  96.33764 106.13486 142.1329    10
 lapply_vec  77.67366  89.04438  98.81510  99.08863 108.86491 117.2956    10
     for_df 103.79097 130.33134 140.95398 144.46526 157.11335 161.4507    10
  lapply_df  97.04616 114.17825 126.10633 131.20382 137.64375 149.7765    10
        mat  73.47691  84.51473 100.16745 103.44476 112.58006 128.6166    10
        set  44.32578  49.58586  62.52712  56.30460  71.63432 101.3517    10


  • 如果我们调整ncnr或者NA的频率,这四个选项的排名可能会发生变化.我猜列数越多,mat 方式(来自@lmo 的回答)和 set 方式看起来就越好.

  • If we adjust nc and nr or the frequency of NAs, the ranking of these four options might change. I guess the more cols there are, the better the mat way (from @lmo's answer) and set way look.

set 测试中的 copy 比我们在实践中看到的要花费一些额外的时间,因为 set 函数只是通过引用修改表格(我认为与其他选项不同).

The copy in the set test takes some extra time beyond what we'd see in practice, since the set function just modifies the table by reference (unlike the other options, I think).


09-05 17:55