Here are few other similar answers that I've found, but none answers my question:
I need to copy a directory tree into several different places in the project upon compilation.Here is how it presently being done:
<MediaFiles Include="$(ProjectDir)media\**\*.*" />
<DeployLabel Include="$(ProjectDir)deploy\x">
<DeployLabel Include="$(ProjectDir)deploy\y">
<DeployLabel Include="$(ProjectDir)deploy\z">
<Target Name="GenericDeploy"
<Message Text="Deploying: @(DeployLabel)" />
<Copy SourceFiles="@(MediaFiles)"
This pretends to run, but copies nothing at all. I've tried also to use %(DeployLabel.Dir)
, but that gives me an error.
不想使用 xcopy
东西做什么。当我第一次看到@和%,我认为他们从Make复制,但现在我开始怀疑...还有一些洞察什么 - >
I don't want to use xcopy
because this program doesn't seem to be in the default inventory of Windows installs (my PC doesn't have it). Also, I must confess, I don't entirely understand what does the %
thingy do. When I saw @ and % at first, I thought they were copied from Make, but now I' starting to doubt... Also some insight into what ->
means would help (it's extremely difficult to find the documentation on these cryptic names).
These batchings are quite confusing, because some combinations of batchings are working with different ItemGroups and some not. I create a small proj to show some differences:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Batch" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" ToolsVersion="3.5">
<BatchItem Include="myFile.txt">
<BatchItem Include="myFile2.txt">
<DifferentItem Include="myFile3.txt">
<Target Name="Batch">
<Message Text="Using (at) @(BatchItem) -- @(DifferentItem)" />
<Message Text="Using -> @(BatchItem->'%(Folder)\somethingInbetween\%(Identity)') -- @(DifferentItem->'%(Folder)\somethingInbetween\%(Identity)')" />
<Message Text="Using percent %(BatchItem.Folder)\%(BatchItem.Identity) -- %(DifferentItem.Folder)\%(DifferentItem.Identity)" />
- 第一个将所有后面的项目放在字符串分号分隔
- 第二个将使用一个项目的特定元数据来创建它的字符串。
- The first one will just put all after items in on string semicolon separated.
- The second one will use specific metadata of one item to make a string of it. This is done for all elements and they are semicolon separated as one item.
The third expression is also referencing the metadata of an item, but it is also calling the target for each item in the group. Doing it that way you can't mix ItemGroups.
使用(at)myFile.txt; myFile2.txt - myFile3.txt
Using (at) myFile.txt;myFile2.txt -- myFile3.txt
使用 - > c:\Temp\somethingInbetween\myFile.txt; c:\Tmp\somethingInbetween\myFi
le2.txt - c:\diff\\ \\ somethingInbetween\myFile3.txtUsing -> c:\Temp\somethingInbetween\myFile.txt;c:\Tmp\somethingInbetween\myFile2.txt -- c:\diff\somethingInbetween\myFile3.txt
使用百分比c:\Temp\myFile.txt - \
Using percent c:\Temp\myFile.txt -- \
使用百分比c:\Tmp\myFile2.txt - \
Using percent c:\Tmp\myFile2.txt -- \
使用百分比\ - c:\diff\myFile3.txt
Using percent \ -- c:\diff\myFile3.txt