I am trying to add a file into ClearCase, but I am getting the following error:
更改了对 C:\PATH\file.dbc的保护。
Changed Protection on "C:\PATH\file.dbc".
已创建分支 C: PATH file.dbc版本 \main\0&。
Created branch "C:\PATH\file.dbc" version "\main\0".
类型管理器 text_file_delta; create_version操作失败。
Type manager "text_file_delta" failed create_version operation.
有些行的字符数超过8000,因此必须保持这种方式,因此不能使用 text_file_delta作为类型经理。我将一个文件的类型更改为 compressed_file。
Checked the following:There are lines that have over 8000 characters and they must stay that way, so it can not use the "text_file_delta" as the type manager. I changed the type of one file to "compressed_file" and I was able to check it in.
我尝试添加 dbc compression_file -name *。[dD] [bB] [cC]。 ;
到default.magic文件。然后,我尝试使用 ct文件test.dbc
进行检查,并说这是一个Compressed_file,但是当我尝试向源代码管理中添加实际的.dbc文件时,它仍然给我关于 text_file_delta的错误。失败。
I tried to add dbc compressed_file -name "*.[dD][bB][cC]" ;
to the default.magic file. Then, I tried to check it with ct file test.dbc
and it said that it is a compressed_file, but when I try to add an actual .dbc file to source control, it still gives me the error about the "text_file_delta" failing.
Is there something that I am missing with this? Maybe I put the line in the wrong part of the default.magic file?
注意:我能够找到的唯一default.magic文件在服务器端,这是正确的吗? ? (我希望它在这里检查,而不是每个人都必须在他们的客户端上做一个。)
Note: the only default.magic file that I am able to find is on the server side, is this correct? (I would rather it check here instead of everyone having to make one on their client.)
确保使用default.magic文件已考虑在内,并且位于正确的目录中,如 。
Make sure the default.magic file is taken into account, and is in the right directory, as mentioned in "About the ClearCase Magic file".
请确保您确实在该魔术文件的正确位置添加了新规则:请参见 "
Make sure you did add the new rule in the right place in that magic file: see "How file types are determined when creating a new element"
# Match by name without examining data
core file : -name "core" ;
compressed_file : -name "*.[nN][eE][wW]";
text_file : -printable ;
compressed_file : !-printable ;
Use a personal magic file rather than modifying the default one: