本文介绍了Firebase管理员-获取Google OAuth令牌的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个Web应用程序,用户可以在其中使用sign in with Google.

I have a web application where users can sign in with Google.


To the sign-in process, I add a scope to be able to access Google Calendar.


Now that the user is signed in, I would like to - in server-side - get their current Google access token in order to make a request and get a list of their events.


Is there a way to get the current OAuth token (no need for refresh token) in order for me to make this completely on the server-side?


关于OAuth 2.0的一些知识

每当用户通过Google或第3方(Authorization Code)登录到您的应用/网站时,此授权码都会交换为AccessToken& RefreshToken.

A little about OAuth 2.0

Whenever a user signs up to your app/website via Google or 3rd Party, an Authorization Code, this Authorization Code is exchanged for an AccessToken & RefreshToken.


The AccessToken sent via Google are valid generally for 60 minutes.



You can use firebase along with gapi to achieve that. You'll be provided with the AccessToken that can be sent back to server to add to calendar.


Firebase& gapi的大多数方法都在内部处理AuthorizationCode流.他们甚至在60分钟后进一步刷新AccessToken.对于大多数开发人员而言,这是有益的,因为他们将不必担心管理所有令牌.

Firebase & gapi's most method handle the AuthorizationCode flow internally. They even further refresh the AccessToken after 60 minutes. This is beneficial for most developers as they won't have a headache of managing all the tokens.

此方法可隐藏RefreshToken& AuthorizationCode来自开发者.即使您的服务器具有访问令牌,它也无法刷新它,并且将被视为无用.

This method but, hides RefreshToken & AuthorizationCode from the developer. That is even if your server has the access token, it won't be able to refresh it and it would be deemed useless.

要实现完全脱机访问,在获取AuthorizationCode的初始请求中,您将需要发送HTTP GET参数 access_type offline

To achieve complete offline access, in the initial request to get AuthorizationCode you will need to send a HTTP GET parameter access_type to offline

GAPI为您提供了 grantOfflineAccess()方法,其中返回AuthorizationCode,以后可在服务器上使用该AuthorizationCode来获取访问令牌&刷新令牌.

GAPI provides you with grantOfflineAccess() method which returns the AuthorizationCode that can be later used on your server to fetch access token & refresh token.


Note: If you are storing AuthorizationCode in your database, make sure it is secure. The limitation in Firebase are set due to security reason. It is more secure to not talk with AuthorizationCode generally.


  • https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/web-server
  • https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/reference
  • https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/server-side-flow
  • https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth
  • Retrieve Google Access Token after authenticated using Firebase Authentication

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08-22 20:16