本文介绍了Webshot gem无法捕获完成的页面的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用mapbox生成的地图的屏幕截图.我成功拍摄了屏幕截图,直到开始将数据存储到文件中为止,如果您有很多数据,mapbox建议使用. ( https://www. mapbox.com/help/working-with-large-geojson-data/#store-geojson-at-url )

I am attempting to take screen shots of maps generated with mapbox. I successfully took screenshots until I started storing my data in a file, which mapbox recommends if you have a lot of data. (https://www.mapbox.com/help/working-with-large-geojson-data/#store-geojson-at-url)



I've added a timeout. It doesn't seem to matter how long I wait.


I believe the data should be loaded via Ajax. I'm running this against a locally running web server. When I view the page using a web browser I see a request for the data file. When the page is loaded via Webshot, there is no attempt to load the data file. Something blocks or it otherwise stops before it tries to load the data.



受上述Ken的问题的启发,我进行了逐层研究. Webshot是围绕水豚的一个相对简单的包装器,它通过poltergeist宝石与phantomjs进行交互. Phantomjs有一些简单的教程,可指导您逐步与网页进行交互( http://phantomjs. org/quick-start.html#page-loading ).

Inspired by Ken's questions above, I investigated layer by layer. Webshot is a relatively simple wrapper around capybara, which interacts with phantomjs via the poltergeist gem. Phantomjs has some simple tutorials that step you through interacting with web pages (http://phantomjs.org/quick-start.html#page-loading).


When I asked phantomjs to load my page I immediately saw an error: something like "webgl not defined".

我正在使用需要webgl的Mapbox GL JS. Phantomjs不支持webgl( http://phantomjs.org/supported-web-standards.html ).

I was using Mapbox GL JS, which requires webgl. Phantomjs does not support webgl (http://phantomjs.org/supported-web-standards.html).


So, while my newer page worked fine in a browser, it was never going to work in phantomjs.

我感到困惑的部分是该页面的早期版本在浏览器和phantomjs中都可以使用.然后我发现我们进行了更改,并且该更改将Mapbox js库从Mapbox.js间接更改为mapbox-gl.js.

Part of my confusion was that an earlier version of the page worked in both the browser and phantomjs. Then I discovered that we made a change and that change indirectly changed our Mapbox js library from Mapbox.js to mapbox-gl.js.


The solution was to use mapbox.js (not Mapbox-gl.js).

我们是通过leaflet.js( http://leafletjs.com/)完成的.

We did this via leaflet.js (http://leafletjs.com/).


这篇关于Webshot gem无法捕获完成的页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 10:48