

我有一个Node.js服务器,它的工作是下载JPEG图像,将某些数据写入几个IPTC字段(例如 Iptc.Application2.Caption ),然后将图像传递给另一个服务.

I have a Node.js server whose job it is to download JPEG images, write certain data to a couple of IPTC fields (e.g. Iptc.Application2.Caption) and pass the image on to another service.


Ideally, I'd like to write the IPTC data to the in-memory buffer (without writing the image to the local file system). Failing that, I can live with a solution where I download, store the file to the FS, then apply the IPTC data.

我已经与 https://github.com/dberesford/exiv2node 一起使用了,但不适用于Node.js v10.而且它依赖于 exiv2 C ++库,这使得运行容器化变得很混乱.

I've got this working with https://github.com/dberesford/exiv2node, but it doesn't work on Node.js v10. And it depends on exiv2 C++ library which makes it messy to run containerized.


So my question is: Is there a decent Node.js module which enables IPTC data write, and does not depend on some monster C library?


我会使用 exiftool-vendored,它只是 exiftool命令行实用程序的包装.它还将安装exiftool二进制文件,如果您已经安装了exiftool,则可以使用不带该二进制文件的 exiftool

I would use exiftool-vendored, that it just a wrapper for the exiftool command line utility. It will also install the exiftool binary, if you have already installed exiftool you can use exiftool without this binary


Install exiftool:

npm install --save exiftool-vendored


The tags you add are put in the specifications that supports them, in this case IPTC.

例如,我将添加 Artist Copyright 标签,而exiftool将放置相应的IPTC标签.

For example I will add Artist and Copyright tags, and exiftool will put the correspondent IPTC tags.

const exiftool = require("exiftool-vendored").exiftool

const tags = {
  artist:"David Lemon",
  copyright:"2018 David Lemon"
exiftool.write("outernet.jpeg", tags);

exiftool.write 将返回一个承诺,您可以在计算其他内容时等待.有关承诺的更多信息

exiftool.write will return a promise that you can wait for while computing another things. More info on promises.

使用exiftool CLI,您可以检查标签是否正确写入文件:

Using the exiftool CLI you can check that the tags are well written to the file:

$ node_modules/exiftool-vendored.exe/bin/exiftool.exe outernet.jpeg
ExifTool Version Number         : 11.20
File Name                       : outernet.jpeg
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 4.6 kB
Artist                          : David Lemon
Y Cb Cr Positioning             : Centered
Copyright                       : 2018 David Lemon
Current IPTC Digest             : 2b3df19b0c67788262a0d0dced3b6d58
Coded Character Set             : UTF8
Envelope Record Version         : 4


08-04 04:23