本文介绍了重新训练MobileNet SSD V1 COCO后,Tensorflow的pb和pbtxt文件无法与OpenCV一起使用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已遵循教程来重新培训MobileNet SSD V1如前所述,使用Tensorflow GPU并在使用GPU (有关配置的更多信息)训练后得到0.5的损失,并得到model.ckpt.

I have followed this tutorial to retrain MobileNet SSD V1 using Tensorflow GPU as described and got 0.5 loss after training using GPU (below more info about config) and got model.ckpt.


This is the command I used for Training:

python ../models/research/object_detection/legacy/train.py --logtostderr --train_dir=./data/ --pipeline_config_path=./ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config


And this is the command for freezing (generate pb file):

python ../models/research/object_detection/export_inference_graph.py --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path ./ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix ./data/model.ckpt-1407 --output_directory ./data/


This is the error I get when I use frozen pb and pbtxt:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Object_detection_image.py", line 29, in <module>
    cvOut = cvNet.forward()
cv2.error: OpenCV(3.4.3) C:\projects\opencv-python\opencv\modules\dnn\src\dnn.cpp:565: error: (-215:Assertion failed) inputs.size() == requiredOutputs in function 'cv::dnn::experimental_dnn_34_v7::DataLayer::getMemoryShapes'


import cv2 as cv
import os
import time
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()
fh = logging.FileHandler('xyz.log')

cvNet = cv.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow('frozen_inference_graph.pb', 'object_detection.pbtxt')
dir_x  = "C:\\Users\\Omen\\Desktop\\LP_dataset\\anno"
for filename in os.listdir(dir_x):
    if not (filename.endswith(".png") or filename.endswith(".jpg")):
    img = cv.imread(os.path.join(dir_x,filename))
    img = cv.resize(img, (300,300))
    img = cv.cvtColor(img,cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    img = cv.cvtColor(img,cv.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    rows = img.shape[0]
    cols = img.shape[1]
    #cvNet.setInput(cv.dnn.blobFromImage(img, size=(cols,rows), swapRB=True, crop=False))
    cvNet.setInput(cv.dnn.blobFromImage(img, size=(300, 300), crop=False))
    t0  = time.time()
    cvOut = cvNet.forward()
    print(time.time() - t0)
    for detection in cvOut[0,0,:,:]:
        score = float(detection[2])
        if score > 0.80:
            left = detection[3] * cols
            top = detection[4] * rows
            right = detection[5] * cols
            bottom = detection[6] * rows
            cv.rectangle(img, (int(left), int(top)), (int(right), int(bottom)), (23, 230, 210), thickness=2)

    cv.imshow('img', img)


item {
  id: 1
  name: 'licenseplate'



What is the top-level directory of the model you are using: object_detetion


Have I written custom code: no


OS Platform and Distribution: win10


TensorFlow installed from: binary

TensorFlow GPU版本:1.13.0

TensorFlow GPU version: 1.13.0


CUDA/cuDNN version: 10

GPU型号:1050 GTX

GPU model: 1050 GTX

我可以提供您要求的任何文件,请帮助我. 在tensorflow的github中,他们告诉我在Stackoverflow中问...

I can provide any files you ask, please help me. In tensorflow's github they told me to ask in Stackoverflow...



I got the problem solved thanks to the answer, here is the content of cvOut:

  [[[[-0.00476191 -0.00361736  0.          0.25361738 -0.07576995
     0.03405379  0.40910327]
   [ 0.21594621  0.04544836  0.          0.28788495  0.30689242
    -0.13025634  0.05074273]
   [ 0.46358964  0.19925728  0.         -0.09778295  0.26563603
     0.34778297 -0.02014329]
   [-0.01515752  0.3534766   0.          0.32857144 -0.00361736
     0.67142856  0.25361738]
   [ 0.25756338  0.03405379  0.          0.21594621  0.3787817
    -0.05689242  0.6212183 ]
   [ 0.30689242  0.203077    0.          0.796923    0.19925728
     0.40103063 -0.09778295]
   [ 0.5989694   0.34778297  0.         -0.01515752  0.68680996
     0.26515752  0.66190475]
   [-0.00361736  1.0047619   0.          0.59089667  0.03405379
     1.0757699   0.21594621]
   [ 0.712115   -0.05689242  0.          0.30689242  0.53641033
     0.05074273  1.1302563 ]
   [ 0.19925728  0.7343639   0.          0.93230265  0.34778297
     0.64652336 -0.01515752]
   [ 1.0201433   0.26515752  0.          0.24638264  0.33809522
     0.50361735 -0.07576995]
   [ 0.2840538   0.40910327  0.          0.04544836  0.19310758
     0.28788495  0.5568924 ]
   [-0.13025634  0.30074272  0.          0.44925728  0.06769729
     0.15221705  0.26563603]
   [ 0.59778297 -0.02014329  0.          0.3534766   0.5151575
     0.32857144  0.24638264]
   [ 0.67142856  0.50361735  0.          0.2840538   0.7424366
     0.4659462   0.3787817 ]
   [ 0.19310758  0.6212183   0.          0.203077    0.30074272
     0.796923    0.44925728]
   [ 0.40103063  0.15221705  0.          0.59778297  0.31319004
     0.23484248  0.68680996]
   [ 0.5151575   0.66190475  0.          1.0047619   0.50361735
     0.59089667  0.2840538 ]
   [ 1.0757699   0.4659462   0.          0.19310758  0.95455164
     0.5568924   0.53641033]
   [ 0.30074272  1.1302563   0.          0.7343639   0.15221705
     0.93230265  0.59778297]
   [ 0.64652336  0.23484248  0.          0.5151575  -0.00476191
     0.49638262  0.33809522]
   [ 0.75361735 -0.07576995  0.          0.40910327  0.7159462
     0.04544836  0.44310758]
   [ 0.28788495  0.8068924   0.          0.55074275  0.46358964
     0.69925725  0.06769729]
   [ 0.40221703  0.26563603  0.         -0.02014329  0.48484248
     0.3534766   0.7651575 ]
   [ 0.32857144  0.49638262  0.          0.75361735  0.25756338
     0.5340538   0.7424366 ]
   [ 0.7159462   0.3787817   0.          0.6212183   0.8068924
     0.203077    0.55074275]
   [ 0.796923    0.69925725  0.          0.40221703  0.5989694
     0.84778297  0.31319004]
   [ 0.48484248  0.68680996  0.          0.66190475  0.49638262
     1.0047619   0.75361735]
   [ 0.59089667  0.5340538   0.          0.7159462   0.712115
     0.44310758  0.95455164]
   [ 0.8068924   0.53641033  0.          1.1302563   0.69925725
     0.7343639   0.40221703]
   [ 0.93230265  0.84778297  0.          0.48484248  1.0201433
     0.7651575  -0.00476191]
   [ 0.74638265  0.33809522  0.         -0.07576995  0.7840538
     0.40910327  0.9659462 ]
   [ 0.04544836  0.6931076   0.          1.0568924  -0.13025634
     0.80074275  0.46358964]
   [ 0.94925725  0.06769729  0.          0.26563603  1.0977829
    -0.02014329  0.7348425 ]
   [ 0.3534766   1.0151576   0.          0.74638265  0.67142856
     1.0036174   0.25756338]
   [ 0.7840538   0.7424366   0.          0.3787817   0.6931076
     0.6212183   1.0568924 ]
   [ 0.203077    0.80074275  0.          0.94925725  0.40103063
     0.65221703  0.5989694 ]
   [ 1.0977829   0.31319004  0.          0.68680996  1.0151576
     0.66190475  0.74638265]
   [ 1.0047619   1.0036174   0.          0.7840538   1.0757699
     0.9659462   0.712115  ]
   [ 0.6931076   0.95455164  0.          0.53641033  0.80074275
     1.1302563   0.94925725]
   [ 0.7343639   0.65221703  0.          1.0977829   0.64652336
     0.7348425   1.0201433 ]
   [ 1.0151576   0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.1         0.2
     0.2         0.1       ]
   [ 0.1         0.2         0.          0.1         0.1
     0.2         0.2       ]
   [ 0.1         0.1         0.          0.2         0.1
     0.1         0.2       ]
   [ 0.2         0.1         0.          0.2         0.2
     0.1         0.1       ]
   [ 0.2         0.2         0.          0.8479438   0.67317617
     0.5581815   0.1778345 ]
   [-0.9215721   1.5896183   0.          0.6099795   0.5955366
    -0.46569395 -0.8461083 ]
   [ 1.6129647   1.4244858   0.          0.5209342   0.17585325
    -0.8687666   1.7872683 ]
   [ 1.3389692   0.8533131   0.         -0.00590521 -0.7195761
     1.6236191   1.1828533 ]
   [ 1.1838211   0.6728102   0.         -0.785988    1.2751837
     1.1616383   0.933811  ]
   [ 0.4684658   0.2719049   0.          1.2093123   0.66612804
     0.66964823  0.55971766]
   [ 0.17104894 -1.0688283   0.          0.6494252   0.6844874
     0.66586125  0.01329695]
   [-1.2607187  -0.22749203  0.         -0.8741171  -0.9443728
    -0.9659323  -0.03422031]
   [-0.0364061   0.54829746  0.          0.6263525   0.66758543
     0.04167109 -0.11780822]
   [ 0.48400337  0.4685324   0.         -0.04594427  0.02469592
    -0.3487326   0.08831279]
   [ 0.4161314   0.23332608  0.         -0.13553022 -0.31008872
     0.04969648  0.5674252 ]
   [ 0.36492363 -0.07475745  0.         -0.03859219  0.2016789
    -0.39845943 -0.07058203]
   [-0.08173721  0.1720942   0.          0.02323131  0.07122216
     0.07469177  0.12792486]
   [-0.24689877  0.196296    0.          0.5564647   0.535513
     0.22528338 -0.37152448]
   [-1.7235181  -1.8204601   0.         -1.5040898  -1.8099409
    -1.8550183  -1.1855855 ]
   [-1.6341007  -1.3448519   0.         -1.6656716  -1.6564709
    -1.2735447  -1.3357594 ]
   [-1.2829769  -1.2869868   0.         -1.6657944  -1.4066424
    -1.4230443  -1.4196167 ]
   [-1.3691044  -1.656098    0.         -1.4339573  -1.5685135
    -1.633306   -1.4437945 ]]]]


错误是由于传递给函数readNetFromTensorflow的错误输入.pbtxt文件引起的,因为.pbtxt必须由 tf_text_graph_ssd.py 如描述此处:

The error was caused by the wrong input .pbtxt file passed into the function readNetFromTensorflow because the .pbtxt has to be geneated by tf_text_graph_ssd.py as describe here:

Run this script to get a text graph of SSD model from TensorFlow Object Detection API. Then pass it with .pb file to cv::dnn::readNetFromTensorflow function.

对于其他模型,例如更快的r-cnn 掩码r-cnn ,还有相应的脚本.

For other models such as faster r-cnn and mask r-cnn, there are also corresponding scripts.


PS: I just found there is a very good official tutorial here.

这篇关于重新训练MobileNet SSD V1 COCO后,Tensorflow的pb和pbtxt文件无法与OpenCV一起使用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 18:02