


I want to edit a file by adding some line and replacing some others.I'm trying to work with an array that contains my file line by line, i.e

    my $output_file_string = `cat $result_dir/$file`;
    my @LINES = split(/\n/, $output_file_string);


I have a hash table of lines that I want to find in the file, and either replace them or add additional line after them.I wrote the following code to recognize thos lines:

        foreach my $myline (keys %{ $hFiles_added{$file} }) { 
            foreach my $line ( @LINES) {
                  if ($line =~ /\Q$myline\E/) {
                       ### here should be a code for adding a new line after the current line ###
        #### here should be a code to return the array to the output file ####


I can't figure how to do the adding\replacing part, and how to save my edited file back in a file (and not array



使用 splice改变@LINES的内容.

使用 openprint@LINES 写回您的文件.

Use open and print to write @LINES back to your file.

如果其他人可能同时在编辑此文件,那么您将需要 flock.

If other people might be editing this file at the same time then you'll need flock.

如果性能对您来说不是那么重要,那么您可以查看 Tie::File.

If performance isn't that important to you then you might look at Tie::File.

对于更复杂的文件处理,您可能需要 seek截断.

For more complicated file handling, you might want seek and truncate.

但这在 Perl 常见问题解答中都有很好的介绍 - 如何更改、删除或插入一行文件,或附加到文件的开头?

But this is all covered well in the Perl FAQ - How do I change, delete, or insert a line in a file, or append to the beginning of a file?


By the way, your first two lines of code can be replaced with one:

my @LINES = `cat $result_dir/$file`;


11-03 14:59