-Per rispondere in privato potarePOTA dall''indirizzo - I''ve create a "stupid" animation. A simple label that bounce on borders of my form. Motion is ruled by a timer that set the timing of every steps. If I set the interval at "1000" it works properly, howevery if i set it at "10" or less, it warks slower than it would be. Anyone can help me? Excuse my bad english Thanks -- -Diego (Atos)- -L''uomo è superiore agli animali- -Fanno eccezione il nano e la giraffa- -A.Bergonzoni- -Per rispondere in privato potare "POTA" dall''indirizzo-你好Diego, 不保证执行计时器事件。如果程序繁忙,则在发送另一个计时器事件之前,计时器事件可能没有时间执行。然后取消第一个等待事件。实际上,将计时器设置为10可能看起来不会比将其设置为100更快。 丢弃的计时器事件会受到处理器速度,程序繁忙程度以及需要多长时间的影响执行计时器事件代码。 - 快乐编码! Morten Wennevik [C#MVP]Hi Diego,The timer event is not guaranteed to execute. If your program is busy the timer event might not get time to execute before another timer event is sent. The first waiting event is then cancelled. In effect setting timer to 10 might not seem any faster than setting it to 100.Dropped timer event is affected by your processor speed, how busy your program is, and how long it takes to execute the timer event code.--Happy coding!Morten Wennevik [C# MVP] Risposta a: Richard Blewett(ri*****@dotnetconsult.co.uk) _________________Risposta a:Richard Blewett (ri*****@dotnetconsult.co.uk)_________________ System.Timers.Timer System.Timers.Timer 这个 - - 迭戈(阿托斯) - -L''uomoèprioporeagli animali- -Fanno eccezione il nano e la giraffa- -A .Bergonzoni- -Per risatodere in privato potare" POTA" dall''indirizzo-this---Diego (Atos)--L''uomo è superiore agli animali--Fanno eccezione il nano e la giraffa--A.Bergonzoni--Per rispondere in privato potare "POTA" dall''indirizzo- 这篇关于计时器太慢......为什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-22 23:24