Zurb 的 Foundation For Apps 正在使用 特殊插件 直接从每个视图创建路由,它将解析所有 HTML 文件以找到这种降价结构:
Zurb's Foundation For Apps is using a special plugin that creates routes directly from each view, it will parse all the HTML files to find this kind of markdown structure :
name: items
url: /items
controller: ItemCtrl
这将用于生成必要的角度动态路由代码并使用 gulp 来编译一个 routes.js
which will use to generate the necessary angular Dynamic Routing code and use gulp to compile a routes.js
file which will contain this :
var foundationRoutes = [
所以我的问题是,如果我想更改我的模板路径或重构我的应用程序,或者我需要更高级地使用 angular 的 ui-router 特别是 state.resolve和 state.views,有没有办法用 $stateProvider
实例替换内置的动态路由插件而不破坏任何其他 F4A 的内置组件?
So my question is, if I want to change my templates path or restructre my app or if I need more advanced use for angular's ui-router specially state.resolve and state.views, Is there a way to replace the built-in Dynamic Routing plugin by a $stateProvider
instance without breaking any of the other F4A's built-in components ?
更新:特殊插件被称为Front Router,这是它的 Github 存储库.
This solution solved my issue :
@escapedcat 来自 这个 github 问题页面:
: comment out the FA router part :
// Copies your app's page templates and generates URLs for them
gulp.task('copy-templates', ['copy'], function() {
return gulp.src('./client/templates/**/*.html')
// .pipe(router({
// path: 'build/assets/js/routes.js',
// root: 'client'
// }))
<script src="/assets/js/foundation.js"></script>
<!-- <script src="/assets/js/routes.js"></script> -->
<script src='//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false'></script>
<script src="/assets/js/app.js"></script>
: comment out the dynamicRouting modules and modify the config part :
angular.module('application', [
// 'foundation.dynamicRouting',
// 'foundation.dynamicRouting.animations',
function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('yourstate', {
url: '/yoururl',
templateUrl: 'templates/yourTemplate.html',
controller: 'YourController',
resolve: {
// you can use resolve here, yay!
// promiseFooData: ['Restangular', function(Restangular) {
// return Restangular.one('foo').get();
// }]
您之前拥有的每个路由/模板都需要一个 .state
You need a .state
entry for each route/template you had before.In this example the part before looked like this :
name: yourstate
url: /yoururl
controller: YourController
注意:动画也可以添加到 state
(我猜是 1.1 版之后) :
.state('home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'templates/home.html',
animation: {
enter: 'slideInDown',
leave: 'fadeOut'