


I used the rich: editor component to enter rich content and I save it in a database. When I tried to display it in outputText field , rich tags are not interpreted and are displayed as simple text.So my question is: how can I make the jsf component (or Richfaces) interpret this rich content and display it properly??


h:outputText实际上默认情况下会转义预定义的XML/HTML实体,以避免 XSS 攻击.如果要显示未转义的用户控制输入,则只需将escape属性设置为false.

The h:outputText indeed by default escapes predefined XML/HTML entities to avoid XSS attacks. If you want to display user-controlled input unescaped, then just set the escape attribute to false.

<h:outputText value="#{bean.text}" escape="false" />

但是,请记住潜在的XSS攻击.如果rich:editor尚未清除来自XSS的用户输入,则可以在 Jsoup 等帮助下进行此操作.

However, keep potential XSS attacks in mind. If the rich:editor isn't already sanitizing user input from XSS, then you can do this with help of among others Jsoup.


07-28 06:05